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Dinner for One........................

7:47 am Tuesday, 12th April, 2022

A dinner table is set for one, boasting a rather unusual centre piece. Perched in the centre of the table, is you..... on all fours, naked and exposed except for a leather collar; you are bound to the table by your wrists, elbows, knees and ankles. You are facing away from me, a dildo is poised at the entrance of your already wet, delectable peach; said dildo is attached to a sex machine, to which the controller is located by my place setting. Another dildo is positioned under your mouth, a rope is attached to your collar. I tie the rope to the table adjusting the tension so as to pull your mouth firmly over the dildo; effectively gagging you. I take my seat and begin my entree as I give you a very explicit and concise instruction "no cuming without my permission; there will be consequences".

Nodding your head and rocking your hips back, pushing your glistening entrance against the bulbous head of the dildo, you signify your consent. I pause and take a mouthful of my entree, chewing, watching you manoeuvre your hips trying to envelope the thick shaft pressing against your wanting pussy. You feel the sharp sting and then the radiating heat dissipate as I smack your taught arse repeatedly, rouging your soft white cheeks nicely; every blow causing your pussy to moisten further. "You are a greedy little slut aren't you? If you want Daddy's toy so desperately, take it.” Continuing to eat my entree, watching, as you struggle against your bonds. You manage to rock your hips back onto the permanently engorged shaft, gyrating your hips mesmerisingly trying to accommodate it's girth. At long last you let out a satisfied groan as you feel the toy's swollen knob being consumed by your yearning, wet, little hole. “Now that’s Daddy’s good little slut, look at you, you are a drooling little mess. Just how Daddy likes it.” You hold your position, precariously perched on the end of Daddy’s toy. The constraint of the collar as you strain is forcing the dildo deep into your throat. Daddy is right you are drooling all over the dildo and his table. You have become his little mess.

I reach between your legs, you feel my forefinger run up your dripping wet slit sliding all the way up until it finds your erect clit now prominent from under it’s hood. My gentle caressing of your swollen nub causes your breath to quicken and you let out a little sigh. Enjoying your reaction I continue to tease your little pink pearl. Satisfied with the state of your arousal, using the controller, I now drive the dildo forwards ever so slowly thrusting its length to the depths of your hot velvet like sheath filling every last inch. A relieved moan escapes your mouth as the embedded shaft expands your inner core; swivelling your hips you make yourself comfortable on the sizeable phallus, and you rock your hips forward taking the strain off of your neck yet forcing the dildo further into your throat. Relentlessly I tease and caress your swollen clit, until your stifled moans crescendo. Again the repeated stings of my hand on your arse cheeks jolt you back to reality; you gather your breath, barely, before I clasp your little bud between my thumb and forefinger and constantly knead and tweak your tumescent clit, building you back to your former state of intoxicating bliss. Satiated by your repeated moans I grasp your flushed clit between my fingers and pull you back towards me, a groan of pleasure and pain emanates out of your already stuffed mouth as yet again you feel the dildo delve deep inside your saturated pussy. I lead you forward once more by your distended clit, before immediately pulling you back down the shaft burying your pussy to its very limit.

“You get the idea my little slut. Show Daddy how you fuck,”I return to my entree as you carry out your instruction, I watch intently, you slowly rock forward withdrawing from the thick dildo occupying the depths of your exquisite cunt; only to have the other dildo penetrate further into your throat. You again push back onto the thick shaft, so as to offer a modicum of relief for your cock filled throat. I continue my entree as you repeatedly rock back and forth every motion you make forces one of your delectable little fuck holes to engulf their respective shaft deeper; there is no reprieve and you love it. Your heightening arousal is evident, by the sweet nectar of your succulent peach coating the shaft of the dildo every time you rock forwards, and your ever shortening breath.
“Good girl, let us up the stakes a little, shall we?”
Finishing my entree I clamp an Hitachi to the rod on the sex machine, positioning the head of the vibrator at the base of the dildo. I wait for you to thrust burying the dildo deep inside your pussy before turning it on at a low level. Immediately you grunt and groan as the vibrations disperse through your most sensitive regions, quickening the arrival of the inevitable impending flood of ecstasy. Involuntarily your thrusting becomes more urgent, your groans turn to pants and then to moans and then to groans again. Stepping up the rate of the vibrator only serves to push you closer to the precipice, you thrust backwards onto the thick shaft evermore feverishly. You can feel your pussy gripping the dildo tighter and tighter with each thrust as the waves of pleasure start building deep within your core. Your moans and groans evolve into panting whimpers.

You know, and I know; it’s time for you to beg for release. Between whimpers the muffled words tumble from your cock filled mouth. “Please Daddy I want to cum.”I just laugh.“Is that how Daddy’s little slut begs? Try again.” Again my hand falls repeatedly across your taught arse cheeks turning each cheek a desirable rosy red only further adding to the fog of ecstasy shrouding you.Whimpering as you thrust, and squirm, desperately seeking some reprieve from the incessant vibrations ravaging your now aching pussy, trying to stave off imminent climax without Daddy’s permission.“Please Please Please Daddy I need to cum; Daddy I am about to explode. Fuck please Daddy just let me cum!” I slow the vibrator down to it's lowest level earning you the slightest of reprieves. “Very well my little cherub. Let us play a little game to earn you your release. We call this game quiet as a mouse. The rules are simple, Daddy counts backwards from 10 to 0, in that time you are to remain absolutely silent. Any noise made by you, Daddy will restart from 10. When Daddy reaches 0, he will utter the words: You may cum now. Are we clear my cherub?” You nod your head. I step the vibrator back to its previous setting ignoring your groaning protest.“Let’s commence shall we…………….10.”

You bury your face deeper onto the dildo in the hope it's girth will eliminate any noise escaping your mouth. You hear Daddy chuckle at your feeble attempt.
"9 one step closer cherub."
You keep thrusting your hips back onto the thick dildo impaling your now throbbing pussy, knowing all too well Daddy won't stand for anything less.
"Good girl my little slut.........8"
The pressure wells up deep within you with every intense thrust of your hips. Struggling to hold back the impending euphoria you continue to push your face as deep as you can onto the dildo in your mouth praying it will suffocate any mistake you murmur. You just want to scream and beg for release but you know that any noise will only prolong your reward. You keep convincing yourself to just be a good girl and Daddy will give you what you need.
"Excellent my cherub, your Daddy is enjoying your diligence...........7"
Spurred on by Daddy's praise you continue mounting the thick dildo, your thrusts shorten and their pace amplifies. It's your only ambition that changing your rhythm will help you last through the torment of your desperation. An eternity seems to pass with every plunge of the dildo inside your dripping little peach, each advance of the thick shaft causes your core to grip the dildo tighter intensifying every sensation.
I say nothing else, just leaving you to continue and please me with your desperate display of obedience. You now are truly a mess. Your brow is beaded in sweat; and you have the look of intense concentration on your face. You pant rapidly fighting the urge to release the pressure deep within. A pool has welled up on the table at the base of your dildo gag; and the shaft filling your succulent wet pussy is glistening in the light every time you rock your hips forward. I lean into your ear and whisper.
"You truly are exquisite my little cherub, thank you........................5"
Staving off the urge to make a noise and resisting the ever imminent onslaught of climax you change your tempo once again, rhythmically rocking your hips initiating long slow stokes of the thick shaft filling the tight confines of your drenched little hole. The ordeal is overwhelming, you just want to make a noise, to scream let me cum please Daddy; but you know Daddy is nothing but focused, he will not tolerate this and he will only restart the count again. Eons seemingly pass yet again as you slowly and deliberately slide your drenched peach up and down the length of Daddy's toy. You feel the deliberate deft touch of Daddy's finger circling on your swollen clit. The added sensation causing you to shudder, the heightening arousal building well within is unbearable; silent pants are all you can feasibly manage. Desperately you want to moan at his carress; make any noise at all.
"4...................Are you enjoying my attention little one?"
You dare not respond verbally, you continue gliding your hips back and forth immersing the length of Daddy's toy into your quivering pussy. I lean into your ear and once again and whisper.
"Good girl.......................3"
I circle my finger on your erect clit goading you to the point of climax, tormenting you to make a noise; the strain clearly evident. I can see you are silently begging for release, with each and every hypnotic thrust of your hips. The fog of pleasure is encroaching on your focus, you cannot distract yourself from the fast approaching waves of bliss any longer.
"2..........You please me cherub"
The vibrations emanating from Daddy's toy suddenly intensify; you push your face deep onto the dildo gaging your mouth to mute the scream that you desperately desire. Again your thrusts shorten and quicken in a frenzied attempt to accomodate the overloading feelings wanting to erupt from the very centre of your being. Your core muscles taut from the strain of holding back the looming deluge only serve to grip the invading dildo tighter, further increasing the vibrations through your centre. You now wildly buck against the thick shaft of Daddy's toy, lurching forwards before driving your hips sharply back, in futile attempts at seeking reprieve from the incessant pleasure to which there is no escape.
 Another sudden escalation in vibration bursts from within the thick shaft occupying your saturated, poised pussy. I reach around your hips and force you back onto the hefty vibrating shaft, burying you right to it's hilt. Bucking wildly, filled and inundated with pleasure, I hold you in place. You are ready to erupt, now beyond the point of no return. You shake from head to toe straining, the deluge is upon you, waves of ecstasy start radiating through your body. Once more you feel a rapid escalation in the vibrations as I anchor you firmly in place with my arms, forcing you to feel every pulsating inch of the thick tool inside you. The fog of ecstasy is dense you have lost sight of your focus it's only mere seconds now until you lose all control. A lifetime sweeps by in only a second as you attempt concentration, waiting for your Daddy's blessing.
"0........ I want you to cum now cherub; right now"
You feel your Daddy not only physically release his grip, but mentally as well. Lustfully you moan as your shaking turns to convulsing as wave after wave of ecstasy racks through your body. Incoherently you thrust your hips against the thick rumbling shaft of the dildo, riding it's full length feverishly extracting every morsel of climactic bliss from deep within you. The waves keep rolling as you relentlessly ride the the object of your torment, and now your salvation. Your moans and groans eventually turn to the muffled words "Thank you Daddy........ Thank you Daddy........ Thank you Daddy"
Finally you slump totally spent and satisfied. The thick shaft is slowly eased out of your flooded pussy, for now, the rope binding your mouth to the dildo is untied and you feel your Daddy delicately lift you off the intruding tool and lay your head on the table. His hand caresses the length of your back and he leans in giving you a kiss on the forehead and whispers "You are a good girl my little cherub, I am going to prepare our main course while you recoup".

Who is coming for dinner?

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