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It is in the eyes the longing

3:53 pm Sunday, 13th March, 2022

The longing sits in her eyes as she looks out across the room watching all those that are locked in passionate conversations. she is a rare species that most will not know how to handle and only a few have the knowledge that is needed to make her flourish. Her soul is longing to be fed and her body moulded into what this rare being should blossom into. She slowly rises from the place she has sat and watched those around her. She is unaware of her beauty and the effect her long dark flowing locks of hair that cascade down her back cause as she passes by. Men and women alike stare after her both with thoughts of 'if only'. She leaves and walks away into the cool air of the star-filled night leaving the bar behind. Watching from a distance is that one person who knows she is rare, and recognised the longing in her eyes. Captivated as others have been but knowing that he can remove the longing from her eyes. She will return tomorrow as she does every evening at roughly the same time. He considers his next move in the strategy to become what she needs. she walks to her apartment and lets herself in, switching the light on as she enters. she walks into the bathroom and turns the shower on then back into her bedroom where she strips her clothes off letting them fall to the floor at her feet. She looks at herself naked in front of the full-length mirror she is unaware of the beauty that is reflected; she sees only her missing pieces. she skims her hands over her breasts and then half turns to look over her shoulder at her perfectly peach shaped bottom then walks away into the bathroom. she climbs into the glass cubicle of the shower and closes the door standing under the hot flow of the water. She soaks her hair then pours shampoo into the palm of her hand before rubbing it into her scalp and lathering it into a mass of white foaming bubbles. Rinsing the soap off she then reaches for the conditioner and repeats the earlier process. leaving the conditioner in her hair; she then lathers the shower gel and rubs it over her body in between her legs over her sex and up through the buttocks. She sighs as her hand brushes her clitoris and she lingers just a little while. Then she continues to wash then rinse off the conditioner, steps out of the shower, and wraps a large soft towel around herself. She returns to the bedroom where she dries off then moisturises her body from her feet, up each of her legs around her stomach over her butt cheeks then her back and boobs, neck and arms. A light scent of vanilla seeps from her as she wanders around the bedroom naked before turning in for the night. She is the rare butterfly that he has searched for, the elusive beauty that has no preformed ideas of what she has or is or could be. This he wants to hold and mould into what she can be and oh so much more. He just has to draw her in, the thought tantalises him and makes his penis twitch with the beginnings of arousal. He runs his hand over the shaft with no real thought of himself but that of his rare butterfly and what he was going to do to claim her as his own. As his thoughts continue in this vain his penis becomes fully erect and he feels the need to relieve the sexual tension that has built. He now grasps the shaft tighter and slowly pumps it with smooth swift movements. Picking up the speed and pressure until he spasms and ejaculates pumping his semen out then relaxing as the tension is released.
She is sitting in her usual place, people watching as always the look of longing in her eyes as before; He walks over to her with her usual drink in his hand and places it before her. She looks up and sees the most stunning face of the guy that has put the drink down in front of her, his dark brown eyes have a softness because of the length of lashes surrounding them. He has a days stubble on his chin giving him that sexy chiselled come to bed look. This is the fleeting thought running in her head, what is this she asks looking at the drink he has put before her. He smiles and says I thought you may like some company and if so I come with drinks. He waits for her answer she smiles and points to the seat opposite; he sits and offers his hand to her introducing himself, I'm Ryan O'Brian she shakes his hand and says Caitlan West pleased to meet you. They spend the next hour chatting with each other neither aware of their surroundings nor other people as their conversation flows as if they had known each other forever. Caitlan stands and says she must go as time is getting late, Ryan stands also and asks to walk her home she says there is no need she lives close by he tries to insist but she refuses. He decides to let her have her way and puts forward the idea of meeting again tomorrow if convenient. She looks into his soft brown eyes and feels herself melt into them like a warm bath of chocolate smoothing over her soul. She agrees without hesitation then walks away into the night once again. He sits back down and congratulates himself for breaking the ice and thinks of what will tomorrow bring. This excites him as does his rare butterfly. She takes herself home with a hint of a smile upon her lips, her stomach has done a little flutter and it has gone lower to her groin. She strips and goes to bed still with a smile on her lips.
Ryan is there the following day before Caitlan, he has excitement building within him there is so much he wishes to do to her and to teach her. He wants to undress her and to taste the vanilla of her skin imagining himself standing behind her in a shower soaping her down gliding his hands over her skin barely touching in those heavenly places. lightly stroking the hard pebbled nipples that stand erect. Caitlan walks in and he has to adjust his cock as it is straining against his jeans, just so he can stand hoping she won't notice. She says hi and leans across to kiss his cheek. Ryan does the same then he goes to get her a drink releasing him having to adjust himself again. Caitlan watches his arse and back as he walks away they are extremely grabbable she feels the thrill in her core. The longing that has been in her eyes before is transforming into something else. She is unsure of the feelings that keep making her quiver inside. She has not had this happen before and does not quite know how to feel about it. Ryan brings the drinks back to the table and takes a seat next to Caitlan, she slides over to let him have room. They both turn slightly inwards so that they can face each other whilst talking. Their knees touch under the table Caitlan moves hers away as she receives a tingle from the initial contact. They talk as though they had known each other for a long time. It is late when they notice the bar has emptied and there is only those that work there left so they leave together. Ryan takes her hand in his and she lets him they carry on walking then he swings her into him collecting her into his arms lowering his head to skim his lips over her moist velvet mouth that has been taunting him all the time they ο»Ώhad been speaking. she kisses him without admitting him into her mouth he skirts his tongue over her lips until she finally parts them and lets him enter her mouth to lash his tongue with hers. Caitlan draws a breath in and then holds him closer as if she was afraid of losing contact. Ryan puts his hands on her arms and gently moves her back off him she looks bereft at the loss of contact but Ryan holds her close to his side with his arm around her waist she relaxes into him. He walks her home she is reluctant to end the contact. Ryan kisses her and says good night but Caitlan doesn't let go she has the overwhelming feeling that she wants him to stay. She is now unsure of what to do next, having never experienced these feelings before. Ryan sees the longing and panic that skitters across her face. He knows he should walk away and take her indecision from her but he oh so wants to undress her. Ryan holds her close, whispers in her ear "do you want me to stay"?
Caitlan nods and he takes her hand and the key and they enter her apartment together. Ryan feels her tremble as he leans over her to switch the light on he leans into her so she is trapped against the wall and his torso. Her breath catches as he runs his thumb across her lips and down her neck. He can feel the quickening of her pulse as he strokes her skin a sigh escapes from the back of her throat and his cock reacts. She feels a hand gently move her long dark hair away from her neck, feels his lips brush against it, soft and sensual. the tip of his tongue barely touching but tasting her scent. She turns her head away exposing more neck, inviting the lips to press harder. His lips move to her lips, again barely touching but sending shockwaves down her body she squeezes her thighs together and shivers to let another groan fall from her velvet mouth. I so want her so bad right now but know it has to be slow and easy or I will scare this rare butterfly away. I take her hand and walk to find her bedroom here I continue the slow process of captivating and enthralling my butterfly. I slowly unwrap her from the cocoon of her clothing piece by piece; let them fall at our feet. I let her strip my T-shirt from my body and undo my trousers as I slowly let the tip of my tongue enter lips and taste her tongue. My hand runs down her spine and unclips her bra so I can gain access to the pert hard nipples that have formed under the lace, I remove the bra exposing the full smooth skin, erect, tight nipples, my fingers grip them and pull and twist them; not to cause pain but to elicit a reaction from her. I lay her on the bed and slowly work my way down her soft body kissing and tasting every inch of this fabulous creature. she runs her fingers over my body tracing the defined muscles that I have worked hard to get. My cock is so hard that it is painful but I daren't go any quicker I would hate to destroy what is being built between us. Caitlan strokes my skin so gently that it is like a whisper of breeze barely moving but it sends small sparks of heat through your core, I don't know if it is heaven or hell. I continue working my tongue and lips over her then I arrive at her pussy she is smooth soft and smells of the vanilla essence with just a hint of sexual musk that is warm and heady to my senses, I groan as she does too; I am not sure how I am managing to hold myself together. I inhale her scent it is delicious, I slowly let my tongue explore. Caitlan opens her legs and pushes her fingers into my hair mewling at the same time. I push my tongue through the folds of her pussy she is so seductively wet I lap at her as she calls out "O Yes" I feel my cock jump and I have to will it to calm down even though all I want to do is encase it deep inside her. She spasms as I continue to feast on her and she cries out my name. I feel her pussy pulsing with each contraction of her orgasm, she pushes her hands down towards her groin as the contraction ease. Caitlan tries to move but I tell her to stay still it is not over yet baby.
Caitlan lifts herself onto her elbows and watches Ryan shed his trousers, he is commando and his penis is stood to attention loud and proud her mind thinks that maybe he is too big to fit into her not that she would know having never had sex. Ryan sees the look on her face as the thought passes through her mind, he says don't worry baby it will be all fine. Caitlan carries on watching him he is so beautiful naked as he is clothed; she gets a flush sensation run between her legs as she becomes even moister .just watching him. He crawls over her and kisses his way back up her thighs over her mound then to her nipples that have reacted again to his touch. sucking each one in turn he lets the head of his penis slowly run over the lips of her pussy. Caitlan hitches a breath and sighs at the touch. Ryan rubs the head several times on the opening of her pussy but does push yet. Caitlan relaxes her legs and opens them wider to accommodate Ryan's hips now he eases himself into the opening of her pussy taking it slow as he pushes forward to enter her. Caitlan sucks in a sharp intake of air as he enters her breaking the hymen Ryan stops asks if she is ok. Caitlan answers its ok, so Ryan continues easing himself into her until he is deep within her. Then he slowly moves in a rhythmic pattern until he can feel her relax as the motion becomes more fluid and the pain eases. God he is so close to exploding but keeps his mind occupied elsewhere, until the moment he feels her pelvic muscle contract around his shaft, this is his undoing and he pushes deep and then ups tempo until he can hold on no more and releases his semen as he orgasms he feels her also contract tight around his shaft as she cums at the same moment she clings to him until the tension is spent. They both lay together waiting for their heartbeats to return to normal rhythms. Ryan cradled Caitlan in his arms and softly stroked her skin. This is the start of the transformation of the rare butterfly.

2:38 pm Monday, 14th March, 2022

The longing and waiting for that first time, beautiful.

7:42 am Friday, 18th March, 2022

hi deb you are a delight just love to read all you write you are by far the most erotic sexy woman on this site just love all you doΒ πŸ‘…πŸ‘…πŸ˜ˆπŸ˜ˆπŸ˜ˆπŸ˜ˆπŸ˜˜πŸ˜˜πŸ˜˜πŸ˜˜πŸ˜˜

7:42 am Friday, 18th March, 2022

hi deb you are a delight just love to read all you write you are by far the most erotic sexy woman on this site just love all you doΒ πŸ‘…πŸ‘…πŸ˜ˆπŸ˜ˆπŸ˜ˆπŸ˜ˆπŸ˜˜πŸ˜˜πŸ˜˜πŸ˜˜πŸ˜˜

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Young at heart and very open and  like an adventure but in a marriage that has faulted in a rut

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