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Define your one-night stands rules

8:30 am Wednesday, 9th March, 2022

​Want some one-night stands?

Keep the one-night stands rules:

1. Be natural.
2. Think about pleasure - yours and your partner's. Especially if she is "turned on" in you as actively as you are in her.
3. Discuss the boundaries of what you're allowed to do and stick to them. No means no.
4. Take care of your health. That's what I always ask of you, tiger.
5. Add tenderness and passion. Sex as exercise is good too, but it's the passion that will add fire and prolong the aftertaste.
6. Don't get carried away with alcohol.
7. Control your feelings. It's easy to get attached to a fiery kitty, but you don't want unnecessary "hook-ups," right?
8. Treat your partner well. Yes, you won't see her again, but you shouldn't give her all your demons. Also, if she's intoxicated and can't give you informed consent - sex is better to postpone.
9. Know what you want and know how to explain it.
10. Be responsible for the consequences. Especially if you consciously violate the rules of contraception.

Your Arvil💋

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6'3' Tall Benign, Acute traveler to admires with my ravenous sexual appetite to celebrate orgasm of my playmate(s)

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