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Draft Monday, February 21, 2022 6:18 PM

3:23 pm Monday, 21st February, 2022

Harley had had enough.As a full time nurse in a big city hospital, she worked midnights and regularly got stuck with the dirty work the day shifters couldn't be bothered to do. It was nearly 4 am and she was hungry, tired, and horny. Instead of rubbing her clit to ecstasy like she was craving, here she was inserting IVs and scrubbing up a mess from a catheter removal site. As she cleansed her hands in the break room sink, she thought again about how much she needed to be touched. She was the only nurse on the unit tonight, which was fine because majority of the beds were vacant. She made her way down the hallway to the med room, getting pills ready to take to her favorite patient; Dillon.She smiled as she pictured him because he was, without a doubt, gorgeous. He was dark haired and dark eyes, with a jawline that cut sharply. He was tall and lean but his body...she swallowed hard as she thought of his abs and waist line and what she'd seen below that...she shook her head and slammed the pills down on her cart. She couldn't think like that because it would never happen. First off, she was a nurse and he was her patient. Second off, he was by far much more attractive than her. Still, as she pushed the cart down the hall she felt her pussy clench remembering how large his member was. She needed a good fuck and if she could pick anyone to do it, it would be him. He was here with what was a severe upper respiratory infection, but it was basically gone now. He was actually supposed to go home sometime that week. She came to his room finally, shuffling to try and fix her appearance slightly. She knocked on the closed door sharply once, then swung it open, stepping in back first. "Sorry to bother you Dillon, I'm here with your nightly meditat-"As she swung around to face his bed, her mouth dropped open, effectively cutting her off mid sentence. Laying on top of his covers was Dillon with his dick out, stroking back and forth. He stopped though when he saw her, but made no effort to cover himself. Because of this, Harley couldn't help her gaze from falling on him. He was huge. Absolutely huge. She'd never seen a man like him before. All her staring had Dillon smiling. Sure, he was caught off guard when she walked in. But he wasn't embarrassed, and he certainly wasn't now. He could see the growing heat on her neck that he had a feeling wasn't from embarrassment.Protocol whenever you found someone masterbatinng was to leave, and Harley knew this. She was supposed to leave the room and let them have their fun. This wasn't the first time she'd run into this, but mainly anyone else she'd accidentally interuppted was just a bunch of old men with dementia, confused out of their minds. Definitely not anyone cognitive and young.She took a deep breath through her nose. In that moment, she let her mind blank. All she felt was how horny she was. She let a sexy smile dance on her lips. There was never anything wrong with a little fun, and fun she was going to have.She sashayed over to the door, closing it with a click. "Please, don't let me interrupt you." She said to him, gesturing for him to pick back up stroking his member, which had gone slightly soft.He was shocked by her words, to say the least. When he didn't start back up immediately, Harley gave him a look.That got him going. Jesus...it felt good. He'd been in the hospital for about 3 weeks and hadn't gotten off since about three days before that. He was sensitive and craving pussy.Harley walked over to the nurse's cart again, scooping up his medication. She leaned against his bed, a pill poised in her small hand."Open up" she said. He hesitated, giving her a confused look, but opened his mouth. She sat the pill on his tongue and proceeded to set a straw to his lips."Drink" she said. He did so as he continued to stroke. They repeated this about 3 times until his pills were gone. Why that was so sexy, he didn't know. It was just being spoon fed pills...he thought. But still, it was being helped to do something he could have easily done by a sexy woman that made this so hot. The anticipation was eating at him for what would happen next.Harley'a nerves had left her awhile ago, all that was left was hormones, making her feel confident and sexy. She wanted him and, glancing down at his still moving hand, he was definitely ready for her. She was so wet she could feel her moist panties between her legs. She was standing by the nurses card, charting. She closed the computer down, pushed it against a wall, and walked over to her patient. He was still stroking, but slower now, his eyes the size of saucers as she slid her scrub top off. Next were her bottoms, which left her in her bra and underwear. They were black and lacy, a stark contract against her milky white skin.Dillon was smiling as he looked her up and down. "You are stunning, nurse Harley." He muttered. Her breasts...they were so much bigger than he had imagined. Barely contained in her bra, they were big but not too big, a total shock to her over all small built. She was only 5'4 and very thin, but didn't lack curves in the right places. She had long hair dyed the color of burgandy and big brown eyes. Her facial structure was dainty but she had full lips. She was tiny and feminine, innocent looking even. His heart softened by how small she was, he wanted to caress her and make her feel good. But as she smiled that sexy smirk, he had another idea. This girl was a freak, he could just tell. Why else would she be stripping for them while she was on shift? If she was such a slut, he would treat her as such.She swung her hips back and forth as she walked over to him, then sat on the edge of the bed. He scooted over, giving her plenty of room. She leaned in and pressed her hand on his chest. She breathed on his lips, looking him in the eyes. He did the same, his hand grazing her cheek. They leaned in at the same time, their lips at first barely touching. Then Dillon pressed down with so much force it could have knocked her over. They kissed passionately, the heat of it spreading to both their groins. Harley shifted until she was on top and let her mouth trail kisses down Dillon's neck. He hissed in pleasure as she sucked on his earlobe and down his collarbone. His hand snaked around and removed her bra, his gaze immediately taking in her hard, perky nipples and full sized tits."Oh wow...your tits are flawless!" He muttered, his tongue immediately latching on to one of her slightly red buds. She moaned as he bit and pulled, letting the feeling travel down to her pussy. He did the same to the other nipple, leaving them both rock hard. When he finally unlatched himself, she took the opportunity to move her body down so her mouth was lining up with his giant dick. She looked him in the eyes and shook her head, lightly laughing"I'm going to try and deepthroat it." she said. He was going to tell her not to worry, he was a very thick seven inches after all, but he didn't get a word out before her warm little mouth went down on him.His eyes almost rolled to the back of his head as she sucked and sucked and sucked. Each pull of her mouth brought him deeper down her throat, until the entire tip was resting well past her tonsils. She gagged and sucked up and down, using her tongue on his shaft.He groaned and grabbed her hair, holding her steady. "Ohhh my god. Fuckkkk." he sang. He held himself back from cumming, and she could tell, since his dick was rock hard and convulsing. She let him go, freeing her airway, then planted kisses down his shaft. He sucked in big breaths of air, his mind whirling. He had never gotten head that amazing before. He watched her suck in air and knew he had to reciprocate. He grabbed her by the waist, making her squeal slightly. He roughly laid her on her back, effectively flipping them over so she was on the bottom. Harley didn't have much time to react as he spread her legs open and pulled her panties down her legs. He began by kissing around her thighs, all around the areas she craved him the most but never directly on it. His lips and tongue grazed her thighs and labia, his breath warm over her engorged clit.This went on for quite awhile until she was dripping wet and begging for him to touch her.

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