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Draft Sunday, February 20, 2022 10:02 AM

6:09 pm Sunday, 20th February, 2022

Good morning Ladies,
Well it's Sunday and this preacher has the day off. I really wish I could get the hang of this site. So many of you have expressed interest, and I have responded, but it seems to go nowhere after that. I hope that you don't think that I am ignoring you. I'm feeling a little down today; I miss a woman being in the house.
There's something that's been on my mind lately as it relates to that. Being left like I was and living into the uncertainty of what the woman I married is doing, I am slowly moving on and want to connect with someone and get to know them. I am not rushing my healing from that rejection, but I am open to finding someone new to make a priority, as well as be made a priority.
With that in mind I had a revelation...
When you first get a puzzle, the first thing you do is get all your corner and edge pieces together. After your border is set, the presumption is that putting the rest of the picture together will come easy, but also that is not always the case...especially when you're working with someone else. When you're working a puzzle with another, you have to always keep in mind place, but further perception. Even when you have the same picture as a guide, at best two working together will see differently...even when there is a clear outcome of what should be, there are still two doing the work. Puzzles don't come with instructions and sometimes the two will both walk away from the pieces that are laid before them because they just get overwhelmed, but the joy that comes when you walk back to the table where all your pieces are laid bare and you discover that if you simply reevaluate your strategy and determine that you will complete the picture, then the image that was meant to emerge appears. Pieces of peace are still peace but the measure of solace in peace will only occur when what is fragmented finds that wholeness is dependent on your ability to exhale and keep trying. Eventually the pieces that eluded sight begin to fall effortlessly into place and the picture is complete

Blog Introduction

Now is the time. I'm looking for the Yin to my Yang

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