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A porn star was born

6:11 pm Tuesday, 15th February, 2022

Back during my glory days as the handy man I had kept busy landing handy man jobs around large mansions in country clubs all over Atlanta Georgia. Towards the end of my reign, I had already captured so many interests of lonely desperate house wives I could write a movie series about them all. One night while working security in one of these clubs and making undocumented visits on the clock, there was a huge party going on in one these mansions, one in particular. The home owner was a well known porn star who at this time was hosting a viewing party at her luxurious home where rumor had it, she made all her films. I won’t say any names but she was a well known “MADAM”. She would visit us at our little office on occasion and drop off some new unedited DVDs to have the men on duty review and offer any criticism. That night It was probably closer to 10pm when I got a call about a guest that was trying to enter the property but wasn’t on a guest list. When I arrived to the office, I could tell that woman wasn’t just some guest. She was dressed to kill and evidentially a porn star as well. While trying to make contact with the homeowner I tried to explain to this woman that we had policies to follow, though honestly I didn’t really give a damn about that because it was a dead end job that only got me access to the cougar house wives of Atlanta. After trying to contact the homeowner several times I agreed to escort her up to the home. She willingly followed me in a red convertible Mercedes and I directed her to park on the street. I walked her up to the front door where you could hear laughter from inside and lights were flashing through the surrounding windows as if pictures were being taken. I rang the door bell and after a few minutes the door opened and it was the homeowner who blew me away literally. She was smoking HOT! Never saw her dressed up this much since I had started working there. The guest and the home owner hugged and they started talking loudly over the crowd about the invitation and the guest list miss half. The homeowner asked me to wait outside as she closed the door in my face. What a let down, I thought. But then the door opened and the owner came back out to greet me. She apologized for messing up the guest list and thanked me for escorting her friend over vs denying her access. She said I looked familiar and I told her about the videos we watched. She then smiled and asked what we thought of her latest video. I told my honest opinion and she laughed and said good. Evidently this party was for that video release. She invited me inside for a drink and I didn’t refuse the offer. My shift was almost over and my night of fantasy adventures was starting to die down. Entering her home I was wearing police issued pants and shoes, long sleeve white police issued shirt over a bullet proof vest and a baseball cap. We normally carried guns but I didn’t carry it up the house. Policy was we were not aloud on any property with a deadly weapon unless it was a life or death situation. She started introducing me to some friends and one woman, who looked to be Korean or Japanese, smiled and approached me and shook my hand. She didn’t match the porn star description like the others but she did look like the girl next door wearing a baggy half-opened button up shirt with no bra and a very short black leather skirt. She struck up a conversations with me about what I did and how distinguished I looked in a police uniform. I laughed and told her I wasn’t a cop, I worked for a private firm that supplies police style protection with proper training for private properties that local precincts don’t have access to. She waived her hand and said “You still look like a cop on film baby.” I laughed and said “I guess so.” She then felt my bullet proof vest through my shirt and said I must have be hot under it. She asked me if I had to go or was planning on staying. I told her my shift was almost up and I wasn’t planning on going home so early in the night. She said “good”. She asked me to come back when I got off work. So I did. After punching out for the night I got dressed and made my way back up the drive to that well lit mansion on a hill. Knocked on the door and the home owner greeted me again with a confused look. I could tell she was a little tipsy with her choice of words. She recognized me and said “wait! aren’t you that rental cop that came by earlier?” I said “yes, that was me.” Her Asian friend squeezed in and interrupted before the owner said something more insulting. The Asian woman grabbed my arm and escorted me through the crowd towards the bar that was overlooking the great three story living room with a movie screen projecting the owner and friends getting pile drived by men. I was like WOW! Now that’s a tv. The Asian woman asked my name and she asked if I had ever been on film or perused any kind of acting at all. I told her no but had been mingling in other forms of adult entertainment. She caulked her head to the side and placed her hand on mine. She smiled at me, her hair collapsing in front of her eyes, she said “Hmmm, tell me more.” I kinda went into the whole spill of my adventures of TheHANDYMan. She laughed at the end and told me what a clever idea it was and asked how it was going so far. I smiled and told her that it was an adventure to say the least and my whole purpose as to being a security guard was to gain access to more clients within these gates. She raised her glass of liquor and tapped mine cheering me as if i just won the Nobel prize. She said I had a good story, I thanked her as we rubbed shoulders. She said, while spinning around in her bar stool, “Sir, the night is still young.” I said “it is”. She asked me to follow her out back by the pool where numerous couples were lounging and chatting. It was kinda nice getting away from the flashing lights and the sounds of women getting fucked to hell and back. I was more captivated by this Asian women than being in the same house with porn stars most men would have died to meet. We retired to an empty lounge like sofa back in the corner and she started opening up about her and her journey to this place. She held nothing back by introducing herself as a talent agent for the adult industry. She finally got around to ask me if I would ever be interested in being on film. I told her I would seriously think about. We shook hands and she said great. Then she started inquiring about my life history and present, she wanted more dirt on my adventures. So I filled her in on everything but never revealed the identity or address of my clients. I remember a sexy woman walking up to me with a platter of drinks and asked if I would like one. She looked me up and down and gave me that look. Everyman knows that look. That look of “hey meet me in the closet in 5”, yeah THAT look. I smiled at her and took what looked to be a more manly drink and also grabbed a glass of wine for the Asian woman. The staff woman walked away looking over her shoulders at me and smiled. My eyes regained focus on the prize in front of me. The Asian woman smiled and said “thank you, you are very sweet and charming.” She said that I probably had a lot of experience in the sac from what it sounded like and that I would get bored with someone simple like her very quickly. I told her she was crazy. She was a very attractive Asian woman, she was tall and fit. She had a nice rack and with her half unbutton blouse I could see they were natural and perky. Her ass was perfectly shaped and toned like an apple and her waist mimicked an hour glass. She had long black wavy hair down to the small if her back. Her legs silky smooth and had definition as if God had chiseled them himself to commemorate a statue of a goddess in perfection with legs to worship only. After watching her talk and smile at my corny jokes,I started to get turned on a bit by her. I was no longer interested in the porn party that drew me in. All I wanted to do was to get her alone on a bed somewhere somehow. I started flirting harder to push the agenda that I was ready to show here how wrong she was about me losing interest in her under the sheets. She got my memo quickly, stood up reaching out her hand as if asking me to dance. We walked through the drunken crowd of women and men watching this gigantic screen cheering on the orgasmic explosions happening as if it was super bowl Sunday. She escorted me to the basement door where we retreated to this basement/dungeon/studio. She began giving me a tour of the latest set up and I was thoroughly impressed. There was a lot of detail and thought that went into her videos. She walked me up to a bed in a half built room with fake walls. She pushed me down into this bed and started dancing provocatively in front of me. She grabbed my hands and placed them on her legs and guided them up inside her skirt. There I felt no panties and I knew she had none on. One hand made it’s way behind her ass cheek and the other to her pussy. I squeezed one cheek and slid my finger up inside her lips. I leaned in pressing my face against her stomach working my way up to her blouse where it was first unbuttoned. She complimented me that I felt nice. She said I had very gentle hands. My face found its way into her open shirt as I started to kiss her slowly caressing her with both of my hands. Softly massaging her clit left and right with one finger my other hand unzipping her skirt and slowly sliding it down her waist to her feet. She started breathing heavily and I could feel her nervous trembling taking over. I wasn’t sure if she was unsure about me or what I was going for. She asked me if I thought she was some bored house wife who was lonely and needed some attention. I told her no, her body was getting all the attention it deserved. She then said she wanted to be one of my desperate house wives and that the set we were sitting on was her home. It kinda set me back a bit, But I continued on. I really didn’t want to try and act out someone else’s fantasy, I just wanted to have normal sex with a gorgeous Asian chick who was really wanting the D. After removing her skirt I started removing the remaining buttons on her blouse with my bare teeth one at a time. Both my hands were now holding her in place one with my finger sliding up inside her. I started kissing her abdomen just above her clit. My finger started moving faster and faster another finger now rubbing her clit in a rotation motion. Then two fingers go in and I start reaching deeper curling my finger tips towards my face from inside. She leans over massaging my head, running her fingers through my hair. I started to notice her knees shaking as her pussy got tighter. I slowed down and paced myself, I didn’t want this to end so quickly. I slowly kissed her stomach dragging my tongue up in between her cleavage and up to around her neck. She leans her head over to the side pulling her hair back to grant me access to her neck and shoulders. I started kissing and pinching her skin with my lips. Her leg slides up my side as she wraps her arms around my back spreading her fingers out tickling me. I slowly turn us around and stand her with the bed to her back. I gradually lean her back holding her from falling with one hand holding her leg up and the other one guiding her down underneath me. I moved over her body kissing her breasts back up to her shoulders where I started to softly bite her pulling on the skin between my teeth. She gasped and moaned for more. I then kissed and ran my tongue under her chin and up to her mouth where she shoved her long wet tongue deep down my throat. After every exchange, I would bite her bottom lip before returning my tongue to hers. I then made my way back down to her beautiful breasts and started kissing them underneath and up and around to her neck then down to each nipple where I sucked on each one. My tongue spinning around each nipple sucking and flicking them with my tongue. I felt her back arch as she mysteriously guided her hand down to my crotch. There she struggled to remove my belt and pants button but she got them open and continued on trying to remove my zipper. I hunched up to permit her a more easy access and she reached in and grabbed my cock. She said “ oh my, that’s a nice cock.” I giggled for a minute but brushed it off. She started to play with its head and kept squeezing it with both hands as if to size it up in length. I then pushed her back down into to the bed where I slid my tongue from her throat all the way down to her inner thighs. I kissed the insides of both legs going left to right skipping over her clit as she kept trying to guide my head to it. I then planted my hand on her pussy and started fingering her one then two at a time. She threw her head back as I started to get faster. My mouth kissing her inner legs and then down to her feet. I removed her shoes and started sucking on her toes. Yes they were not freshly clean but didn’t smell and she tasted great. While sucking on her toes, my other hand made its way back up to to her clit. I placed my palm against it and used my finger tips to apply pressure down over her abdomen. As I got deeper and faster she started shaking again. This time I didn’t stop. I slid my tongue in between each toe as if I was giving her a sample of what I was about to do to her pussy. Her back arching and her elbows digging deep into the mattress, her fingers and nails became erect. Her legs shaking all over, I moved my face in closer towards her now soaking wet pussy. My mouth stopped just inches away where I casted my warm breath against her lips. She started to calm down as I pulled my fingers out. I began massaging her outer labia left and right one at a time, massaging them from bottom to top. My lips kissing her inner thigh and me resting my face on the other. My fingers now started massaging her inner labia, spreading her open and exposing her marvelous wet clit. There I tickled it with the tip of my tongue. Teasing her, my tongue made its way up and down the labia sucking and kissing. I planted my entire mouth over her clit and started sucking her applying pressure, enlarging her clit against my tongue. I stuck in the same two fingers again and started fingering her while I held that grip locked suction in my mouth. Flickering her clit with my tongue and shoving faster and faster, she grabbed my wrists and hair and was pushing against me like she was about to give birth and then, BANG!!!! she popped. She orgasmed so loud I was caught off guard. Her scream was as if she had fallen off a cliff and the sound was fading as she fell further away into an abyss. Her body dropped down limp as she laid on her back legs spread open dead weight to the floor. Her hands were still clinching the comforter as she leaned her head up and looked at my wet face and said “wow, that was so good” she said “oh thank you baby I really needed that.” She took a moment to gather herself and she sat up fixing her hair and then proceeded to put her skirt back on. She asked me if I was going home or sleeping over. I was in shock because I wasn’t finished. I mean I wasn’t on the clock and all I wanted now was to get mine. She grabbed my face and kissed me on my lips and took my cell phone and typed in her number. It wasn’t too long after that night I had reached out to her but always got a voicemail. Then one day there was a police raid at this residence and a lot of things illegally were going on behind closed doors. I also never called the Asian woman back. I had separated myself as far away from them all as I could. Time to time I still remember that night on that porn set with that smoking hot Asian girl next door. The fake walls with fake trees and windows. The spot lights aiming down on us as if we were filming our own heated story. I still remember her face and that smile, her toasting me and her taking that chance to invite me in. I never perused the porn acting career even though I had a contact that was surely going to give me a shot. I also kinda slowed down on my activities within the community and didn’t want the heat from the suit and tie to start investigating into my handyman expert styles.

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