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Garage sale madness.

12:53 pm Sunday, 13th February, 2022

I was frustrated with the accumulation of stuff that we seemed to have gathered over the years and told my husband it was time to clear out some space in the garage, as we cleaned out old boxes of what was once cherished items I found a box marked personal, hum I thought, i wonder what we would have out here marked personal, pulling the top back I almost laughed as i saw the neatly wound ropes and restraints, a flood of emotions swept through me as i relived the nights (and days) of hot erotic passion, the hours we enjoyed tying me up and spanking, flogging and I didn’t dare stir of the memories of the clamps and cat of nine tails, i quickly closed the box and set it aside but not soon enough to have stopped the wetness between my legs to moisten my panties, chest heaving with lust i brushed my hair back and went about inspecting other boxes forgetting about the one marked personal, after some effort and dusting we had everything set for a garage sell, as we were busily attending the sell my husband was asked to help load a a few heavy boxes for an elderly neighbor, as he shut her car door he called back to me and said he will be gone for a bit while he help our neighbor take the boxes to her house, fine i said and returned to the business at hand, as i approached the garage a familiar voice from the past greeted me, asking about the box marked personal, OMG I thought, not that box and who of all people should be asking about it but my first Dom and acquaintance into the BDSM lifestyle, I blurted out, hello master before regaining my composure and stammering,hello Mark, he flashed that mischievous grin knowing it was a weakness of mine and answered, hello my lil slut, god the emotions that flooded through me, i know he saw my chest heave and my nipples become erect right in front of him, I gasped and said don’t do that here i hissed, which just made him grin more. That I answered while closing the top of the box was from a time long past, before becoming a mom, not that my husband and I still don’t play that way, we just haven’t played to the extent where it was an all weekend bondage and pain affair, you know exactly what personal means on that box and i was regretting not putting far away when we getting ready for the garage sale, as i finished closing the box he rested his hand on top of mine and squeezing it said he was glad to see me again, i stammered back a polite reply, knowing that i was regretting seeing him but at the same time flooded with arousal that his hand was gripping mine, as i pulled my hand back his grip tightened, he looked into my eye, to my soul and asked what our safe word was and if i wanted him to let to say it, It flashed into my mind instantly, “Oklahoma “ oh god, the times I’ve said it and other times I hadn’t because the pain and pleasure was to great and I didn’t really want to stop,we both know what our safe word is and you know it, but I’m not going to say it now i told him as I grabbed his hand and told him to grab the box as i told my daughter to watch the garage sell. I lead Mark back the storage shed and turning the light on his eyes scanned the room, noticing the eye bolts secured to the ceiling and the rope cleats on the walls he sarcastically said “ you tie up game back here”? I shot back, you know exactly what gets tied up back here as i latched the door shut and quickly removed my shirt and bra, his eyes said wow as he sized up my breasts that were at least two cup sizes bigger since becoming a mom, nice he said as he pulled out 50 feet of rope and quickly had my now ample breast tied and bound to the point where they were engorged, ummm i moaned as milk was dripping from my dark nipples, “ still breastfeeding i see” as his tongue lapped at my warm milk, ummm i moaned as my knees trembled, I better support you said as he snatched up another rope and quickly had my arms securely bound over my head and fastened to the ceiling, now thats how I remember you he said as he leaned into my body, his clothing brushing my taught breasts sending hot flashes throughout my body, you pig i hissed back, startled he pulled back, I see motherhood has made you forget your place he replied in a voice i knew was his i’m in control voice, my mind reeled with excitement as i knew that now he was going to establish control and i would be willingly compliant, glancing through the box he growled where is a ball gag? Not finding one he removed my jeans and panties and promptly placed my panties in my mouth, both the tastes and scent of myself sent my endorphins into a frenzy, i knew my clit was engorged and my now soaking wet pussy was exposed for one thing and one thing only, I tried to speak but with my panties in my mouth I could only mumble, Master removed them and asked, what? Please spank me master, spank my ass and pussy I pleaded, oh I will he said, putting the panties back in my mouth he then retrieved another rope from the box, he had my legs spread and tied to the eyelets on the side of the shed in short order, not finding a whip or belt in the box he pulled out another rope and folding several times made a formidable belt, my breathing increased as i saw it for the first time, my pulse quickened and every fiber of sexuality responded with anticipation at the sight of the rope flogger he had created, oh god i moaned, teasingly slapping my bare bum gently at first and then more assertively I protested, knowing it was futile and yet longing for more punishment, my eyes staring straight into his eyes as if begging to please master punish me harder, he recognized the look in my eyes and standing spread legged in front of me took the rope flogger and brought it up between my legs expertly slapping my pussy, that was it, my head rolled back, a yelp escaped my mouth, my bound, engorged breast squirting milk sent me over the top, more i begged with my eyes and more he gave me, one, two, three, by then my mind was a blur of passion enduced orgasm, i lost count of the slapping but was aware my legs were soaked, my breasts were leaking milk like a geyser, when at last my quivering body had stopped I opened my eyes and was pleasantly pleased to see that my ex master had undone his jeans and had his own member out and fully erect while flogging me, precum on his cockhead was evidence he was enjoying this, god i wanted him inside me, my eyes moving down as my head lowered, indicating submission to take me, he smiled and spoke as a gentleman instead of a Dom and told me he wouldn’t have me without my husband’s approval, however that wouldn’t stop him from stroking his engorged member until he vigorously spewed load after hot load onto my breasts, down my belly, dripping down do my clit and onto to floor where my own juices and milk where pooling, one final long stroke of his cock and a quick shake expelled the last of his jizz onto me, smiling he put his member away, removed my panties from my mouth, brought his mouth towards mine as if to kiss me but just before our lips meet he turned aside and kissed my cheek, taking my panties and running them down my cum, milk covered body he paused at my clitty and rubbing it through the flimsy fabric my knees trembling still, he grinned and said, i think I’ll keep these and turned to leave, my eyes opened widely with fear as I knew he was going to leave me here like this, arms tied over my head and legs wide open, body fluids all over me, I began to protest and spoke the first syllable of our safe word, he stopped, looking back at my submissive body and asked, what? Never mind I said, keep the panties as a suvonier, latch the door as you leave so it doesn’t fly open and anyone sees me, tell my husband to get back here right now and finish the job you started, this time inside me, who knows, nine month’s from now i may have a constant reminder of this wonderful garage sell.

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CBT, anal plugs and pegging, love to eat pussy and get wet

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