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Pick Up Lines that Really Work

8:24 pm Sunday, 4th August, 2013

I've heard all kinds of interesting, lame and shocking pick up lines from men and women vying for a hook up. What I'd really like to know is, in your experience, which pick up lines have you actually used and worked, AND, which pick up lines made you say YES! LET'S MEET UP! ?

9:37 pm Sunday, 4th August, 2013

I agree with you both, just being honest, nice and funny with a decent sense of humor will go places. Thanks for your inputs. I'd love to hear more ideas :)

9:31 pm Wednesday, 11th December, 2013

How about "Are you ready for me?"

Blog Introduction

Just turned 52, still pretty, chubby, and my mind is sexy.  I am horny FOR FEMALES ONLY !!!

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