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Teaching the old dog new tricks

9:06 pm Friday, 14th January, 2022

Angie was an Italian immigrant who came to the U.S. with high hopes of becoming a pasty chief. She put herself through culinary collage and after graduation found this little business with an apartment upstairs. She soon opened a small coffee shop and sold her pastries.

All was going well... then one morning an older gentleman stopped by and ordered a coffee and bagel.

He sat and watched Angie work the shop. She was a one woman show. Cooking, waiting tables and serving her great food. Nobody minded a short wait because her food was really good. The man admired her and would stop by daily for his bagel and coffee, sometimes even fantasising about what was under that flowered apron she always wore. She was half his age, mid 30s he imagined.

They began to talk with each other on less busy days. He started to show up later in the morning after the breakfast rush so they had more time to talk. She would load up his bagel with extra cream cheese and watch it run down his moustache so he would lick it off, smiling daily taking extra licks to clean up his lip. One day the place wasn't so busy and they began talking more in depth about each other. He was in a loveless marriage for over 30 years and was lonely for a woman to care about him. Angie felt bad for him and deep down was very attracted to him. She had some one night stands here and there but nothing ever stuck. She also was looking for someone special.

She joked about the two of them hooking up sometime. The man laughed and said "I could disappoint you in so many ways I wouldn't know where to start". Now this made Angie want him even more. He was funny, good looking, experienced and probably very good in bed.

One morning, after the last of the breakfast crowd left. Angie stood in front of a chrome refrigerator. The man could clearly see from the reflection her bare ass sticking out from under her apron. She had no pants or underwear on. Making sure he got a good look and knew what was going to happen next. She walked to the entrance slid the closed sign in the window and locked the door. She approached the man and said "Well now let's see just how much disappointment you have in you".The man, half in shock, was worried he might do just that. But then he got a dizzy feeling and his dick stood up at attention. For the first time in years. Wow!

"I haven't been this hard in a long long time. I usually rub one out once a week or so but I can never get this excited even with the best porn", he claimed. She said "did your coffee taste any different this morning? There was a special little treat in it. I too was inspired this morning. I have a set of Ben Wah balls in me all morning", she confessed. The man said "I don't know Ben but I know George Wah, and he's a son of a bitch hope they're not related". She laughed out loud holding her stomach. "OH No I think I just lost one. You're so funny and sweet. Come with me".

She took him by the hand and led him upstairs to her apartment. They paused in the living room, kissing long and hard. He stroked her long black hair witch smelled like fresh baked bread. Finally, they retreated to the bedroom. She slowly reached for his belt and unclipped his suspenders causing his pants to fall to his ankles. There was a nice big bulge in his surprisingly enough man-thong. She was impressed. "Nice choice of undies there big guy", she said. "Thanks, I like to dress sexy sometimes, even if it's only for myself". She then slid his thong to the side exposing his perfectly shaved shaft and balls. Impressed even more, she said "well...I wasn't expecting any of this...".

He stood there with his sagging belly and large dangling ball sack and said "sometimes you have to compensate for old worn out parts". She giggled and said "let me be the judge of that". She then began to lick his big ball sack and slowly worked her way up his throbbing rod. Once inside her moist mouth she pushed it to the side creating a bulge in her cheek. He liked this very much and thought it was some kind of a dream or something. She continued to suck him for another 20 minutes or so then rose up and laid back on the bed. He took her legs and raised them up high and licked his way down to her ass. Once there he poked his tongue in and out of it, causing her to squirm with pleasure. He pulled out the Ben Wa balls slowly licking each one clean. Then he swept his tongue up and down her wet cunt lips collecting all the remaining juices. Sliding his manhood inside they both moaned in ecstasy.

He picked her sweet ass up and began pumping away. She wrapped her legs around his waist and hugged his neck as hard as she could. They fucked like animals for half an hour or so. He was ready to cum and knew she did 3 or 4 times already. "I think I'm going to cum!" he whispered in her ear.
"Lay me on the bed and take it home". So he did and exploded a huge wad in side her.
"Was that ok?" he asked. "I'm sorry I should have asked, are you protected?"
"It's fine, not to worry but I do wish I could have tasted some...". He reached down and scooped up some love juice from her sopping wet cavity and spread it on her tits. The nipples were rock hard and her tits just big enough to reach with her tongue. She sucked the love fluid from them and thanked him. "This has been quit a morning hasn't it? Yes it sure has. I'm not one of those young bucks that your use too. I hope I pleased you enough", he said.
"WHAT!!! You're more man than any of them could ever hope to be. Any one of them would have been out of here an hour ago heading to a bar to brag about fucking the donut girl and looking for the next hole to stick a dick into. I doesn't matter if I'm half your age, you're out of shape or a little grey on the edges, you pleased me just fine!" she said.
"Well thanks so much" he said. "I'm flattered. Ummm by the way I was wondering if you had any more of that special coffee. I think I would like to do this some more..".

She smiled in amazement.

"Well I guess you CAN teach an old dog new tricks... I'll be right back!!!"

3:02 pm Wednesday, 26th January, 2022

Don't be afraid to comment guys .I need to know if I'm doing this right

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