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Afternoon delight turns to a sore red ass!!!!!

4:37 am Saturday, 1st January, 2022

Master has decided to leave work early to go home and take and use his Kitten( Given sub Name), for some work related stress relief. This will be surprisingly for his sub Kitten. Master arrives home, walks through the door into the living room to his Kitten with a surprising look on her face. Master saying to his Kitten as he approaches her to give a hug and kiss, Kitten the job has been hell, Kitten, master has come home early to take n use you for some stress relief. Kitten present yourself and prepare to be taken n used very ruffley. Well Kitten still surprised by master being early and knowing she is in dishonor of her master is slow to obey and with startled voice. Present to master, is where the sub is to present herself naked, in close proximity to her master, legs spread wide, chest out and hands crossed behind her head in preparation for her master to do as he desires. . Kitten knowing she has dishonored her master and he will see this. Kitten still slow to obey brings a stern voice from master again, Kitten Master has ordered Kitten to present, with again a shaky voice, Kitten says yes Sir as she moves closer to master and removing her dress. She then says in same shaky voice, Sir I have dishonored you Sir. At the same time, master see's that his sub is wearing a pair of panties as her dress is now high enough to see them. The dishonor here is that master has a strict rule, no panties or underwear to be worn by Kitten unless only with master's permission only for special situations, and this not one. Kitten you have show master dishonor of your rules. Now Kitten with dress off knows that instead of being master's pleasure of stress relief, she is now going to be Sir's pleasure of punishment. Kitten also knows that master has yet to order that the panties are to be removed, which means more than likely the way they will be removed is to be shredded off by master's whip or cane, maybe both. Kitten knows as well her ass will now become very cherry red and sore, possibly sore enough not to be able to set for days. Kitten with a very demanding voice, you are to mount n mount now with no hesitation. When Kitten is instructed to mount, she is to find master's favorite whip, place in her mouth n walk to breeding bench, actually mount it with legs and arms placed on pads to be restrained so no movement is possible, head laying on pad as well to be strapped down. When Kitten mounted, she is spread wide and stretched from head to toe. Bench to be used for fucking both rear holes or for this case punishment for Kitten's ass. Master approaches and takes each hand n leg n places them in a restraint, making sure good n tight, again no movement possible. He then faces Kittens head and restrains as well. then taking the whip from Kittens mouth. Master in same stern voice says to his Kitten, you have shown master disrespect of his rules for you Kitten. Kitten says yes Sir I have. Master says to his Kitten that for that disrespect you are to be punished with 100 strokes of master;s whip. Master says to his Kitten with punishment established what say you. Kitten with still a shaky voice says to her master, for my dishonor to you master Bob I will take and except your punishment with grace. Master then says to his Kitten with her acceptance of punishment, Kitten you will receive 100 lashes of master's whip n cane, Kitten count each and every one and after each you will thank your master. Kitten then says, knowing with these words her ass will soon be red, hurt like hell and will be remembered for days when she tries to set, Yes n Thk you Sir. SMACK 100 TIMES MASTER BOB

5:45 pm Sunday, 6th March, 2022

So is this story fiction or non fiction....curious kittykat here 

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