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Home > Blogs > faultycd > Profile Blog

faultycd blog

2:12 pm Monday, 8th May, 2017

Been nearly a year I often upload new pics often( granted cause I vain and any excuse to dress up) I even use the chat rooms. But genuine ladies seem to be lacking. 
Be honest does my bum look big in..

9:44 am Wednesday, 18th January, 2017

Well been here for about 6 months now finding my feet nicely and often about in chat rooms .
Yet I still to get past the odd email showing some interest. Beginning to get paranoid now lol where are..

1:42 pm Thursday, 16th June, 2016

been here a while now and fews i have had a plenty and emails so many of them all of which i answer yet not one ever replys, whats crossdresser got to do too get the attention. i relly good cook too..


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