Several years back, after a petty tussle with the former regular, he asked to meet up to resolve my confusion. We met at our usual coffee place in Makati. He was there earlier than I did. I gave him..
3 commentsI have always wanted to get a tattoo. he has a full-back tattoo, which he got as a rebellious insignia against his controlling father. I got mine a month after I took my exam. obviously, parents..
1 commentsI have always lived a sheltered life. I have always lived by the rules. my transgressions were trivial compared to others. had my first boyfriend at 18 when I should not be dating until I finish..
2 commentsi do not oppose "hooking-up" or plainly having sex. i am a firm believer of "if it is bound to happen, it will surely happen." if you are likely to enjoy and to get attracted to intellectual..
4 commentsthink complex. sweet and dark. rosy and black. pleasant but macabre. modest but kinky. unorthodox. dork.