One thing I forgot to mention...I've ridden, sucked, spat on and taken anally so many cocks I've lost count. One ex bf was Greek. Muscular, hairy which made him cuddly like a teddy bear 🐻 with a..
12 commentsThis site has connected me with many awesome and sexy people, one couple i'm seeing now on a regular basis is a brilliant way to explore all my sexual needs. I think most girls out there agree that..
8 commentsEver since joint this site almost three months ago, I've had the pleasure of becoming friends, and lovers to 2 couples.
The thrill of having two people taking their turn in sucking on my swollen..
I'll just say this,
I have had my fill ( pun intended ) of guys for years now, cunt licked and blow jobs which i love to perform. But...the past year has been such a roller coaster for me. Been..