Getting ready for a history tour of cappadocia, trying to find enough male clothes to last nine days, normal male clothes, no flight suits, no norwegian home guard fatigues (I be taking the hat tho')..
It occurs to me that there are lots of nice people on this site, you are all lovely...
Now just for the record since Friday 6 guys 1 girl. what's all this crapola about no shows, get a reputation and they will cum, they will cum :)
Many's the time I've been thinking about changing..
I've continued my amoral crusade for the indulgence of my feminine half. Last weekend over a period of 48hrs had meets with 5 playmates (all from this site, now thats networking eh?), lots of kinky..
By the all seeing eye I’m good at this, really fucking good, being a whore that its. Now a famous Field Marshal once said “Courage without expedience is stupidity” what a ironic thing for a Swabian..
2 commentsWell as mongomery would say, "everthing has went to plan, we've knocked em for six and now were going to crack about on the north german plain.".
When I review this month, in which due to..
Hotel Hobbies padding dawns hollow corriodors, bell boys checking out the hookers at the bar... (Fish)
Had a fine role play performance with a kindred spirit and fellow thespian, the stage a discrete..
Been doing a lot of reflecting recently, perhaps wearing tin foil wasn't such a good idea. So have I been on a voyage of discovery? nope don't think such a cliche has the slightest strand of..