Been chatting on line to a post op TS. Seems quite nice in personality, better looking than many 'proper' women, all being well there will be an initial meeting on Monday.
It means going down to..
Maybe I need different photos. Would loose the face fungus, but it's so bloody cold and I work outside most of the time, so I need all the insulation I can get :-)
Got nothing on this morning, so doing some DIY (the home improvement kind, not wanking). Very tedious, so have come on here instead.
It's cold out, but with bright sunshine, the perfect weather for..
Well, I've had some contact from an interesting lady on here who has since gone all quiet, which is a shame as she sounded OK to me.
I've sent out countless messages, and have had very little back..
I had to go down to the south coast to work today and on the way back thought I'd detour and have a drive round my old college stomping ground in Southampton.
I used to live in St Mary's, which was..
There are some VERY nice looking women on here. Hopefully you're all as nice in person, and hopefully I'll get to find out!
I keep thinking about how to narrow done my list of desired activities,..
Second night on the site. How do you sum up an entire human being and their total experiences, needs and desires in a couple of short paragraphs? You can't, so I'm going to try and put something down..