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Home > Blogs > NathanAndKelly > Profile Blog

NathanAndKelly blog

3:21 pm Friday, 14th September, 2012

Judging by the comments of people on here, were increasing our CURRENT age range from seventeen to twenty to the new range of...
Our age to the people of twentyfive.....
If you are between those ages..

7:25 pm Thursday, 13th September, 2012

Kelly here,
Kinda disappointed by the lack of people our age on here...
Is there any seventeen to twenty year old couples or single females on here?
Got no problem with older couples or..


12:19 am Thursday, 13th September, 2012

Kelly is female, 18 and bi..
Nathan is male, 19 and bi..
We live in the Bridgend area :D
We are currently looking for a couple (preferably our age) or a single female, in the area :)..
We are not..

10:25 pm Tuesday, 10th July, 2012

New to this blog thing so have no idea what to write about so I'll just write what Kelly and Nathan are looking for :D
Kelly is female, 18 and bi..
Nathan is male, 19 and bi..

Blog Introduction

A Horny Couple Looking For Anyone

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