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Neel blog

5:34 pm Monday, 11th June, 2012

No matter where the way end....
I will stand with you forever
You will be my dearest friend!!

We've shared lots of fun and laughter....
We've shed many fallen tears!
I will share with you my good..

5:32 pm Monday, 11th June, 2012

I wonder if she realizes how much I care about her....
That I spend hours thinking about her....
Hours talking about her.
I wonder if she realizes that all my friends know all about her,
But she does..

3:50 am Monday, 11th June, 2012

Will we ever touch and hold hands,
Will we ever walk in the sand. . . .
Will we ever walk along the beach,
So we can have memories for us to reach.
Will we always be in a huddle
So we can never..

Blog Introduction

I'm 45 years old, living in the Calcutta, West Bengal, India.

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