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International Women’s Day

With every passing year, the need for change continues to grow and, in an unprecedented year for everyone around the world, it is vital that we stop and take a moment to celebrate and acknowledge all things women - with International Women’s Day. March 8th not only signifies an essential moment of reflection for diversity, inclusion, gender equality and reproductive rights, but also a chance for all of us to continue the fight for the cultural, political and socio-economic achievements of women in the modern world. Though huge advancements are made every year in this campaign for equality, the need for change persists.

The earliest iteration of “Women’s Day” came on February 28th 1909, founded by the Socialist Party of America in New York, inspiring the first commemoration throughout Europe two years later. In 1917, women in Soviet Russia finally acquired the rights to vote - sparking the February Revolution and the first national holiday in the name of International Women’s Day on March 8th, yet global recognition and acceptance of the now widely-acknowledged and celebrated holiday did not start to grow until the late 1960’s when it was adopted by the global feminist movement and, eventually, by the United Nations in 1977.

In the 21st century, International Women’s Day still carries it’s share of scrutiny, with many citing that the core foundations of the movement have been diluted and commercialised in Western society as many large corporations choose to sponsor and promote the holiday with more of a cursory mention of equality, as opposed to the more radical requirements for reform and change that built the foundations of the movement over a hundred years prior.

There is no denying the achievements that we have accomplished over that time in the world of scientific, industrial and medical advancements - in the last 50 years we even landed on the moon - but, as of yet, no country in the world has managed to achieve full gender equality. 2.7 billion women across the globe are still denied the same working opportunities as men. In the political world, less than 25% are women. One-in-three women are still blighted with some form of maltreatment or suffering. The time for change is now.

Got any favourite movies or TV shows with fierce and fantastic females? Maybe a particular book that left you feeling empowered? Let us know in the comments below, let’s start a positive conversation.


Just watched ‘Four More Shots Please?’ On Amazon Prime - really upbeat, funny & light hearted series of two seasons (10 episodes each). Give it a whirl if you need a lift! 😘