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Home > Articles > Foreseeing Potential Positives and Problems in a Hookup

Foreseeing Potential Positives and Problems in a Hookup

    Online hookup sites are one of the most popular reasons society uses technology today. It's fun, time-consuming, and for some of us, it's pretty effective. However, for others, it could be a destroyer of their hearts, bank accounts, and even their time. As much fun as the online hookup sites are, it can be scary if you don't take precautions.

    We have three warning signs that your online hookup is bad news and three tips to make sure you find your match made in horny heaven instead.

    Red Flags

    They Won’t Video Chat or Call

    If your online hookup prefers that you text all the time, then this is someone that you need to be careful when starting a relationship. They should be calling to talk on the phone or even video chatting, especially as the relationship grows over the months. It should be something they actually want to do more than texting. If this is something they don't do at all, then this is a red flag. You will have to play it by ear to see how this will work out.

    They Ask For Money

    If the person you're messaging is continuously asking you to send them money or to come to see you, then you should block this person completely. Remember not to give out any of your personal information to anybody, ever. You need to wait to give out information about where you live and work until you really know someone. Most scams involving money occur within the first month that you start talking online. They will say they had to visit family in another country than a few days later contact you asking for money to get home. They spin elaborate stories that are very sad but not true. What kind of person asks for money from someone they have only recently met? The only person that does that is a mooch, and they will keep asking you for money until you end things with them.

    Their Photos and Profile Description Seems Off

    This is a classic red flag. If someone can't be bothered to post accurate and representative information about themselves, even if they're not a scammer, do you want to associate with them? Since pictures and profile details are the basic features by which you learn about people online, if someone's dishonest or you think they're deliberately withholding information about themselves, take it as a sign that you probably shouldn't communicate with them.

    Green Flags

    Continuous Communication

    When taking online, you'll encounter a lot of people who are good at pulling the disappearing act. You'll be mid-conversation, when - poof! - they disappear for days and then appear again as if nothing ever happened. If you're talking to someone who is very consistent in their frequency of communication and that frequency is frequent, that means a few good things. First, it means you are probably the only person they are talking to. They don't have time to message a dozen people multiple times a day. Second, the biggie, they are into you. They don't just forget about their account because work got busy or guests came into town.

    You Are On The Same Page

    You both hit the "Perhaps we should meet" point at the exact same time. This means, you act on the same instinct - your instincts respond to the same stimuli. Something about that last conversation you had said to both of you, "It's time to meet this person." Odds are, if your timing matches up on that, it will match up on other things, like your sexual interests and needs.

    They Don't Hide Anything

    When you ask them questions, they'll answer them honestly and tell you everything you want to know because they have nothing to hide. It won't feel like you're pulling teeth the whole damn time. If it feels like they're not telling you the entire truth, there's probably a reason for it - always listen to your gut.


    Idk...I understand that first one but I don't call/video chat. Personally, it's just so that my name isn't given out. I have a personal email that I'd rather communicate with though. I get it though, there are bad people out there catfishing others but some of us are good people. We're just a little paranoid lol.

    Really like this post. So much of it hits home with me. Have met all the people mentioned and it hurts.

    Thank you for sharing the information 

    I am just here to fuck ladies and girls who want to be fucked nice 

    These nuggets of wisdom are spot on. In my short time in this world i have experienced most of these.  And have found my soul mate!

    Nobody seem to answer my messages.  When I reply they don't seem to get them. 


    Hi like you myself reted govt officer post graduate

    Yeah iv been burned but I'm learning 

    2 months on site so far and alot of poof! Only 2 people I chatted with for a little while. Idk guess I'm still unlucky in the dating scene

    Live too please all

    I need hot live

    hi some question for the women

    The dating scene is very scary today. I have met 6 people on line now, I have met them for dinner, and only 2 are keepable (if that is a word?) The guy I want the most, is awesome, nice, respectable to me, happens to be married he tells me after I give myself to him totally, I want him but I do not want to be the reason he leaves his wife. I am a guy too, and he is so affectionate to me, I want him so bad, but I think he will not leave her for me. Be careful out there, I have had some heartbreak a few time, people, thanks

    cum fuck me

    Hi sexy

    53 seeking ladies for discrete long playfu sex for hpurs!


    Hi darlings

    Tbh, think most people DON'T put the basic effort in...i.e one word answers, crap spelling...and that puts me off right away...also no humour is often the funniest thing you'll get to do...well it always puts a smile on my face !!! X

    come fuck me tonite

    Someone PLEASE dominate me?????

    I love sex

    Good Info

    I'm 6 ft 7 and I can't pass for female. Some want me to dress En fem in public. It's hard.

    dick tonight in bed


    All good points.

    I enjoy sex24/7

    I love sex 

    I am male 50 from coimbatore interested in matured aunties of age 35-45. If interested visit my profile with your response with contact.

    Some people expect to much and are really picky


    very nice i like it

    So Munch sex I like it

    Ok waitting 

    That's a lot of handy hints and explains a lot also! Carla 

    Brilliant info siteam admits keep up the good work you do thanks again take by all have a good un 

    That'd every halpful

    Wow sex likes

    iam 41m couple, girl, sex life and meet ..3some,groupe sex

    Very good article seems to match my experience on here !



    i completely disagree with the stay away  - some of us don't want the neighbors finding us online or are in high profile position and are seeing if genuine people do exist on these type of sites!

    Not too much new in that

    Someone wants to have sex??

    I've had a couple who seem genuine. They come on strong and hot and when I've finally relented and agree to a meet for a chat all communication stops. I guess the chase was their thing!! 

    The ones who 'like how you look' BEFORE you post a picture. Or 25-y-o women who think I am hot. (in my 60s so unlikely to appeal to real ones. Suspect they are Russian males).Requests fore mote pics. etc.etc

    Someone wants to have sex??