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Entering the world of swinging

So how did you all enter this world? Lets face it it is a world to people who are involved in it which seems perfectly normal, whilst to so many other people it is the height of debauchery and sleaziness.

Me? well it all started for me when I was in my mid teens. I discovered a magazine in my..

8:43 am Tuesday, 3rd January, 2012


chocolate cake & Christmas pudding

Wheelie Bin Bear

A refreshing sweet smell of chocolate cake & Christmas pudding
came out of my wheelie bin I thought it must be a mistake
so I looked right in.

Lifting the lid to my surprise, peering straight back at me
two skinny black eyes caught me by suprise!

A bear in my wheelie..

8:52 pm Monday, 2nd January, 2012


how horny can one guy get

Feeling horny most of the time just now...someone willing to benefit from some intense personal attention would be most welcome...

To everyone who at least takes the time to reply to messages...thank those who can't be arsed...shame on you. It's a limited least do the right..

8:17 pm Monday, 2nd January, 2012


Healthy People 2020 Transgender Health Fact Sheet

Posted by Daniella Transgender is a term inclusive of a range of transgender, transsexual, and gender variant identities of people who no longer express or identify their genders with their birth sex. Transgender people include transgender women (natal males with feminine gender identities,..

1:28 pm Monday, 2nd January, 2012


Proud to be Transgendered "Sanctuary A Support for Transsexuals LGBT

Antonia Hi Daniella, I also have been completely rejected by my family since comming out as a transsexual 5yrs ago. I have been living as a female ever since and only had the support of the few friends I have left so they have become my family now. I have three daughters and again all have rejected..

12:35 pm Monday, 2nd January, 2012


Happy New Year Everyone!

Happy New Year everybody :)

I don't normally do resolutions, but this year I may look into packing in smoking, but I definitely intend to improve my wardrobe, and, somehow, find the time to get some pics up for you all.

Best wishes to you all for a horny and prosperous 2012

1:26 am Monday, 2nd January, 2012


Leather knee capped boots & Nipples like bullets.

Street Walker there she waits at the gates wearing her fishnet stockings in the pouring rain.

Leather knee capped boots warm thighs loverly hips, sexy longing wet red lips And Nipples like bullets.

It's on the streets
It's on the game
this world drives me insane
With No friends no..

12:27 am Monday, 2nd January, 2012


I would love and cherish the Girl Of My Dreams

The Girl of My Dreams I am unable to hold you right now in my arms Or to kiss you good night

To hold you in my arms & to embrace you through out the night I would love to run my fingers through your hair & to walk along the Beach with You there.

To see your har blowing in the Breeze You..

12:00 am Monday, 2nd January, 2012


Jacuzzi,pool & Spa My 1st lesbian experience

I stripped off my all clothes except for my skimpy red knickers, wrapped a towel around my waist & walked through the door that led to the Jacuzzi & the pool area.

It was the first time I had ever been naked in front of a man & I felt quite nervous a man seeing my my breasts. There were several..

11:28 pm Sunday, 1st January, 2012


Happy New Year to all my Gentlemen!

Well now! How can I describe him?
My First Foot that is.
One word, five syllables: FAN-TAB-YOU-LOS-A, Darling!
Just after midnight, I was curled up on the sofa, watching Jackie Bird presenting the HogmanayNew Year celebrations on BBC1 when there came a buzz on the doorbell. I wasn't expecting..

8:37 am Sunday, 1st January, 2012


Aventures of a mature newbie pt 3

Into the second week. Considering its been christmas I am delighted with this far. Chatted with a few..........all sexy people! Have a meet arranged and fingers crossed......maybe another 4 in the pipeline. With any luck 2011 going out with a bang and 2012 starting as I want!..

11:32 am Saturday, 31st December, 2011


Why oh why do they do it?

Insist they are straight guys then say "oh I wanna suck your cock", I wanna fuck your ass" You're straight or not. Bi is acceptable you know. I am and that's how it is. I love pussy and cock equally. Those who know me don't think I'm remotely 'girly' or 'soft'. Especially my girlfriend!!..

4:31 pm Friday, 30th December, 2011


I love the very first time

I do find it really horny being the first woman that a guy has actually been inside and I love seeing the look on their face when they first slide their throbbing tool up to the hilt inside my tight wet cunt. I encourage them to slide in & out of me slowly at first so they don’t get too excited too..

10:22 am Thursday, 29th December, 2011


wishing you all a happy new year

hiya gang, just hope you had a very good christmas, and you got loads of goodies from santa, just wanted to wish you all a very happy new year, and hoping that you have a real good one, and have plenty of fun
HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYONEimg src="imagesadultemoticons029.gif" ..

7:45 am Thursday, 29th December, 2011


Why can't I eat my own cum??

I have done it before, but seem to have lost my knack! I love the thought of tasting my own cum, so that when I DO finally get to suck someone & taste their cum I am used to the taste!

BUT... after I have cum I lose the desire to eat my own cum now. No matter how hard I try (& believe me I DO try..

3:42 pm Wednesday, 28th December, 2011


recovering from xmas

wow having spent xmas day with my toy boy, just spent boxing day with my three regular elderly gents who look after my house and gardens throughout the year. Two are now into taking the little blue pill so and entertaining day and evening was had by all. Now home alone recoveringimg..

1:50 pm Wednesday, 28th December, 2011


Adventures of a mature newbie

Just started day far so good............enjoyed chatting to some new people......might they become playmates?...............maybe a bit early to say yet...

1:23 pm Tuesday, 27th December, 2011


counting the spurts of semen into a woman

I have had the snip so prefere to ride bareback after oral foreplay and love to talk dirty whilst I fuck. i like to count the spurts of semen deep into a womans pussy - I always count the semen spurts into every woman i fuck and sometimes manage 12 spurts of cum - is that about average?..

12:55 pm Saturday, 24th December, 2011


Rules & Check Sheet to be followed every day

1. Do not rush through these lessons!
One per day is exactly right. If you try to do too many at once, you will grow confused and careless—punishable qualities, Do not skip a day unless some emergency arises.

2. Maintain chastity.
You may satisfy your Domme, Wife, or Girlfriend, but you must..

3:08 am Saturday, 24th December, 2011


christmas greeting !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hello girls and boys
just want to wish everybody a very merry christmas, and hope you have a real good one img src="imagesadultemoticons030.gif" ..

7:13 am Thursday, 22nd December, 2011


Age-play with a kinky cross-dresser

Are you interested in on-line sexual agerole play with me? If you are why not write me a message letting me know what age you want me to be and what role you want me to play, I am very open-minded on this subject and willing to talk in detail about anything. Kiss xx..

11:56 am Wednesday, 21st December, 2011


Killing time - distracting me

Hi - why is it that the more time pressure you are under the more things you do to disract yourself from actually doing the things you are supposed to be doing! But - what the hell there are some lovely looking bodies on here! keep on distracting.....

1:49 pm Tuesday, 20th December, 2011


Damp school knickers

Now that I am dressed as a 'schoolgirl' what would you like me to do for you? I tell you what, why don't I get on my bed face down,legs open and knickers around my ankles,mmm, would you like that? Please say you would...

10:04 am Tuesday, 20th December, 2011


urges on cold wet week

Been pouring last few days,not that i wanna complaint or that i hate rains but the weather been teasing all days be it in the morning or at night.
Sometimes i wished there's somebody at werk,(female of koz) to share her body warmth with.
If she's gracioud enuff to lend me her bodily warmth, i would..

4:12 am Tuesday, 20th December, 2011


OddBall lunch break on the bus

Had a unique experience today!
Was at my desk all day working my butt off and was so pleased when my alarm went of signaling my lunch break. Hurriedly, I packed up my files neatly to one corner of my desk, grabbed my jacket and headed for the door. Why the hurry? Mondays can be pretty hectic on my..

1:26 am Tuesday, 20th December, 2011
