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Ooh La La......................................

5:03 pm Sunday, 2nd February, 2014

"I wish that I knew what I know now,
When I was younger

I wish that I knew what I know now,
When I was stronger"

As The Faces sang on the 1973 song Ooh La La. So thinking about it what do you wish you'd known when you were younger? What would've made your life easier and a damn sight more enjoyable?

Personally mine would include...

The girl sitting opposite you in Physics really did like you and you wouldn't have been wasting your time...
Never try and ride a bike with 2 flat tyres while drunk....
Really try and keep in touch with that woman you met in that club in Greece...
Don't drink the green stuff!

And most importantly, don't be so bloody shy and quiet. Go out and live life to the full enjoying every single day, hour, minute and second. You're really not that bad so go for it!

So given the chance what do you wish you'd known when you were younger?

5:29 pm Sunday, 2nd February, 2014

That marriage isn't worth it, especially without thinking it through very very thoroughly.

I wish I could've learned to be confident somehow at an earlier age.

I wish I would've asked him out instead of waiting and never taken the chance.

5:42 pm Sunday, 2nd February, 2014

That nothing good will come from eating that extra slice of cake.

5:50 pm Sunday, 2nd February, 2014

And that travelling to meet someone you care about is so definitely worth it.

5:51 pm Sunday, 2nd February, 2014

Oh....and using fresh squeezed orange juice as a mixer with very bad rum is not.

9:19 pm Sunday, 2nd February, 2014

Ealish def don't drink the green stuff especially if its got an animal in it!

EG we all want to be confident and young but think that only comes with time.

Gdu oh yes I really was very shy, maybe still am a tiny bit but working hard on it ;)

Ron those really are wise words!

Suenchris sounds like a motto I can live by lol

10:30 pm Sunday, 2nd February, 2014

Lol suenchris you really should open up your own cocktail bar..... I'd visit just for the experience! :-)

And I really must remember that work to live rule.

11:59 pm Sunday, 2nd February, 2014

Frisky: You're spot on about being hopeless at reading the signs from women when we were younger. I often wonder who - among those who were friendly towards me - were actually waiting for me to "ask them out" (to put it politely :-)

There *is* a difference. My daughter has a huge number of male friends but I know for a fact she's not intent on bedding any of them. Maybe it's something akin to Curvy's "Friends Zone" blog :-)

Looking back, there was one girl in particular who was an absolute knockout, and I'm pretty sure now I would have bedded her had I been a little more experienced and tuned in. What a waste. On the other hand, if I'd followed through, I might never have made the life choices I did subsequently.

1:58 am Monday, 3rd February, 2014

Joe....I also wish I'd known you when I was younger.

6:40 am Monday, 3rd February, 2014

Ff and skebbie all blokes wish that.

Graham still time to change it and I'm sure you will.

Blueish yes it was Rod Stewart but when he was lead singer in the faces.

Thanks eg!

6:47 am Monday, 3rd February, 2014

Also you won't be able to trust all your friend's but those that prove you can should always be treasured.

How to undo a bra easily to stop many an awkward young fumble. Can't they fit some sort of ejector seat style button to help?

And a smile will always overcome a frown :)

7:15 am Monday, 3rd February, 2014

AJ: I read a headline somewhere recently that someone had invented a bra that only comes off in response to "true love" (lol). Didn't get the details but it may come up if you do a web search.

8:07 am Monday, 3rd February, 2014

Well I guess there are a million things that I would have done differently but even after thinking very long and hard about it (nearly a minute) I cannot think that even if I had chosen a different path that things would have worked out better. Different - for sure - but better?

I am very much an advocate of the what-doesn't-kill-you school of thought, and I also like to think that even the shite choices I have made have added a bit to my current balance and inner well being.

As for the bra thing - I used to be a hell of a lot better at it back then than I am now - and could even spot a front-loader at ten paces. I am now bloody hopeless at it and if it were not impolite I would probably still carry a decent knife to cut those particular gordion knots.

So I guess I need to practice more. Any volunteers wanting to help make Mt Fumblethumbs better at releasing them into the wild??

9:21 am Monday, 3rd February, 2014

Skebbie ... Not sure they'd sell many of those ;)

CurvyB a knife gets you excited but not the thought of some sort of James Bond style explosive release mechanism that Q would be proud of doesn't? I'll never understand you women lol ;-D

10:03 am Monday, 3rd February, 2014

Unfathomable isn't it gdu? Lol

And you turned out pretty bloody wonderful Charlie .... And I'm sure David Cassidy would have said yes xxxxx

12:32 pm Monday, 3rd February, 2014

So they're just as difficult putting on as getting off MsG? Lol there must be an easier way!

And if you had known then what you know now you could've started saving for those shoes a long time ago ;)

3:15 pm Monday, 3rd February, 2014

That's the trouble with bras: every self-respecting lothario imagines that removing them is effortless, but in fact those fucking hooks and eyes are a pain in the arse, especially when mildly intoxicated.

3:17 pm Monday, 3rd February, 2014

Black one please bbw then I can use it as ear muffs with a chin strap ;-) not got any moobs to fill them lol

The phrase practice makes perfect rings true Ealish but I've only ever wanted to practice getting them off .

Very true Gilli we are the sum of all our experiences whether they be good or bad. And you know what? I think we've all added up to a pretty good bunch!

4:08 pm Monday, 3rd February, 2014

On reflection I think a decently wielded knife (nothing too ostentatious) could be quite horny. Not that I am a knife carrying sex fiend - but deft cuts could deal with both bra and knickers .....

I want to have a word with those kind folks who came up with the up and down bra fastening, rather that the twin hook and eye thingy which I used to be able to sort with as little effort as clicking my fingers. One handed too. How the girls at school loved that especially as I could do it as they walked past on their way to double French (and that promised more than it delivered too)

The up and downy front fastening consigned that lot to the dustbin of history, and the traumatic effect lives with me still. I suspect that the female members of the upper sixth were more pleased than I was.

And that was the beginning of the end.

As for tracing lost loves what an intriguing idea.

I wonder......

5:44 pm Monday, 3rd February, 2014

I think in my case the pain in the arse was probably metaphorical :-)

6:57 pm Monday, 3rd February, 2014

Yeah, sure Skebbie; we believe you. ;-)

As for Tractor Tom and his knives ... I do hope there are no impressionable readers about ;-) Rigger you would be better munching your way through one of those edible ones from Mrs Summer's.

7:18 pm Monday, 3rd February, 2014

Nope Luv2. No knives, no trick pants, no edible bustenhalter, I will settle for beautifully presented personage perfectly wrapped in tantalising lingerie and without a moments hesitation the very best (and worst) will be brought out of me...

7:28 pm Monday, 3rd February, 2014

Never ever, ever, piss beside an electric cattle fence. Any man who catches his todger in the zip of his pants more than once is an absolute tosser, as opposed to being just a tosser lol.Dont eat yellow snow and never drink and drive, you will always spill it no matter what concoction it is, pinapple included. Never try to figure out lifes imponderables eg why do women go to the loo in two's and be nice to your kids, they will be picking your nursing home and lastly always remember life is just a crap sandwich, the more bread youve got the less s**t you have to eat.... the end lol

10:39 pm Monday, 3rd February, 2014

As long as an easy release mechanism is included Rigger (no knives allowed)

Think we can now add be careful what you write in blogs someone will always read what they want into it ....

3:04 pm Tuesday, 4th February, 2014

You realise you're going to get lots of martial arts fetish fans plying you with cider now CurvyB....

3:15 pm Tuesday, 4th February, 2014

Not sure I practice the right martial art :-)

6:33 pm Tuesday, 4th February, 2014

That's normal for my inbox CurvyB. Pour yourself one of suenchris' large gin and hellmans and see if it cheers you up and unleashes Cynthia.

6:29 am Wednesday, 5th February, 2014

Really glad for you Anna! Long may it continue for you xxx

We're all tryingto enjoy ours as well, but stop complaining and moaning? Then how would we get our fun ? .... ;)))

10:11 am Thursday, 6th February, 2014

Don't mention the B word Gilli! I alluded to it once and the blog monster ate it!!!

Blueish & gdu dont you envy us in our boring, temperate, grey and very wet country? ;-)

10:40 pm Thursday, 6th February, 2014

Blueish & gdu can't believe you're not tempted? We're having a great time squelching around here ;)

Herman van Rompuy is his name Mac and a great name it is too!

6:43 am Friday, 7th February, 2014

Gilli you either had a very bad day or a very VERY good day ;)

Blueish you'd bloody love it here! Lol

5:13 am Saturday, 8th February, 2014

Awwww....c'mon. Everybody knows Eddy Merckx.......or maybe everybody over a "certain age" :-)

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Same Old Joe .. Definitely older & maybe wiser?

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