Close to that of Edgar Allan Poe

6:46 am Monday, 4th October, 2021


The problem with wanting to be a writer or many other writers is that which you say you should never do, they have done, and even if the stories sometimes seem very embellished or fictional, its because they were to make the reader captivated, but then sometimes there are certain things we think do not ever happen, which we are just very naive, and ignorant of, do exist, but the moral point of this story is its a very depressing life that's lived, and like with anything in life it should be done in the utmost moderation, for too much of anything, good or bad, should be cautiously taken, or given, so think what you just might find if you spend too much time in your head, and you might just find literal hell on earth if you dig farther than you should. Paradise is someplace good, one in which everything's good, its where no one has died, no one has cried, the weather is just right, where everything brings a smile, so you tell me, Do you really wish to seek to always find the bad, and seek to stay so sad, for grief begat s grief, you see, and misery always loves company, and if you really want to stay, you could end up that, and lose your head, and be consumed, everyone and everything is out to get you. and everything is full of poison, just cause you to put too much thought and made your own self-believe it was poison, You decide, you decide, for your imagination will only run wilder, and when you hear. Wrapping upon your door, and you sit there silently, hoping and saying they'll give up, and just go away, only they don't and you start to let your fear, take control of rational thought, and good common sense, quickly grabbing the letterhead opener, and to quickly hiding, in, in some coats in the closet right by the front door, just trying to keep yourself calm and not shaking too much to catch from the intruders, hoping and quickly trying to think if there anything that might be seen, that could even draw the would-be thieves in here and could give up this would be quickly hideout shelter, suddenly the doorknob squeaks, and with a twist...Your front door creeks opening it seems like forever, you stand there shivery, shaking slowly, you hear the first step lands on the floor sounding like the that in your mind of the loudest sound, like that of a 30lb brick dropping on top of your wooden floor, you lung from around the corner screaming and crack, as you gasp. Its Mrs's Thatch, from over and across the road at 224, she gasps for air, the look on her face, like someone faintly, she falls face first to the floor, you drop the knife, and with a faintly gasp, it was no intruder, you see if was just poor worried Mrs's Thatch form over and across the road at 224, who should have just let her own worrying take hold of her imagination and took it upon herself to seize the situation, well she seems to have found what happens what could very happen if you worry so much and decide you must go and see, only because she couldn't pull herself away from staring out the window for 4 days, never to hear a sound, light go on or off, and you didn't step out not once at all, for her problem seemed to be she couldn't keep looking to see, if she needed to see the in, and outs of all of her neighbors, well you know what they say curiosity, killed the cat, but today, it poor Mrs's Thatch, if only he would have phoned the police come over and to knock and see, well I hope you see we should never let our minds run wild, just remember, just like you would do if there was a fire, smash the glass and grab he extinguisher, and you find yourself smothering, as they suddenly choking you. you have to muster everything you've got and just open the door and never evermore seek to be consumed by that which you thought forevermore

Author Me

Dorian Grey

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