1 - Let me tell you a story .... "^_^"

2:10 pm Monday, 17th May, 2021


A long long time ago in the land of pixels, this computer geek was trying to write an algorithm, in the shiny and new area of online dating, worked through a forum, created a platform, was asked by this platforms competitor to create the formula to match all the pretty people together. Now please keep in mind this computer girl had never before done the social online 'thing' and I started my research with the thinking of, well im a big girl right, I can do this I can find the most perfect way to match two people together for the most perfect match, oh wait..... I suppose I need to tell you also that this girl is not only a computer girl she is also one that has to have everything perfect !

Maybe I should also tell you that this girl is a babbler, oh I can babble on for hours but in the interest of the readers mental health and eyesight, I will try not to do that

Okay where was I, um oh yes I also don't have much of a filter and words tend to flow non scripted from my mind to my mouth or fingers in this case, my Dad used to say 'God gave you a mind to form the words and a mouth to express them' but ...... he also used to introduce me to people saying 'This one is highly intelligent but has (insert bad word here) all common sense ! so wise words?, hmmm not sure

So yes, online dating and social awkwardness I think is my point, I start researching and of course that means entering the pixel world and talking to others, hmmm maybe we need more background here...... In the real world this girl prefers to be in the background has the tiniest circle of friends and full blown anxiety to really meet anyone, but she can put her big girl panties on (you know those big white ones) and give talks at seminars and conferences, but when it comes to a more intimate setting of one on one or one on two or one on three or oh gosh babbler has come out, forgive me

Right back to the story, on different platforms I land in rooms filled with people all talking all sending messages, well I mean of course the pixel image I had chosen was some gorgeous girl you know one of those really pretty fantasy perfect types.... so yes a lot of messages and I tell you it was so much fun !

And scrolling up I realise this is turning into a novel so going to leave it there for now, let me know if you would like to hear more......

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Life is just too short to be alone