SBendINWM blog

1:01 am Saturday, 26th January, 2013

Prozac: Take the edge off life.

Let's take two!

And this, gentle readers, is merely a dainty taste of my forthcoming blog entries, "Whatever Happened to Rain Man *I* Knew? A Decade-By-Decade..


6:03 pm Thursday, 24th January, 2013

I chose "nervous" for my mood today, as the drop-down list does not, I discovered to my chagrin, offer "Full-blown paranoid" amongst the many moods listed. Still, since my nerves *are* shot to..


2:24 am Thursday, 24th January, 2013

A blog, primarily dealing I am guessing with sex and sex-related stuff, but may throw an occasional Elvis Costello lyric or "names changed to protect the innocent" account of my agitpropanti-Party..

Blog Introduction

BiWM, 40, ISO WM, WF, Couple for play & more

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