1:23 pm Thursday, 23rd August, 2018
We’re aware that there have been people posing as SiteAdmins, contacting members, claiming that they need ‘Online Dating Protection’ in order to continue on using the site. This is NOT our SiteAdmins, and there is absolutely no requirement for any member to signup for ‘Online Dating Protection’ - just to clarify, there is no such thing as an ‘Online Dating Protection certification’!
Please note, to verify that the person contacting you is a Site Admin, click on their profile, all Site Admin personnel will have an “admin” badge on their profile. This appears as a small, navy blue circle icon below their username on their profile.
Just to refresh you on how to report a member - go to the member’s profile, click the three dotted symbol below their profile description and select the ‘Report Member’ option. At this stage, please include as much information to submit as possible such as their username, the date and time they contacted you, detail on what they messaged you and attach any screenshots that may be helpful for our Helpdesk staff to use when investigating them.
Please do not confuse this fictitious ‘Online Dating Protection’ with https://www.onlinedatingguardian.com/. OnlineDatingGuardian.com is our own website which basically details all the work we do in order to keep our sites as safe as possible for our members from unscrupulous people. This site does not require you to give any details and we will not contact you from it - it is simply a means of information.
Be wary of any site that is even a slight variation on this website address or anyone that contacts you claiming to be from Online Dating Guardian. This will not be us. To re-iterate, www.onlinedatingguardian.com is purely for educational purposes on the methods we implement in order to maintain optimal safety on the site and Online Dating Guardian is completely fictitious and nothing to do with us!
When members first create a profile with the site, they will be asked a maximum of 5 questions in order to sign up - What member type/s they are looking for, what member type they are, their date of birth, their email address and password they would like to use. An email containing a verification code will then be sent to the email address specified, clicking the verification link in this email will verify the member’s email address. The member will be directed to the site, where they will be asked to give some details such as their interests, profile description and username in order to continue using the site.
Aside from this, you may also need to provide proof of identification to verify your age to our Customer Support team before you will be able to upload adult media to the site.
These the only instances where a member would ever be required to verify their profile, confirm anything or give any form of detail in order to continue using their profile and site.
So as you can see, at no point will you be asked to confirm to confirm your ‘Online Dating Protection’ or need to confirm details at any stage other than what we have mentioned above in order to use the site.
If you are contacted by someone claiming that you need to do any of the aforementioned in order to continue using the site, please don’t hesitate to contact the Helpdesk staff who will be happy to assist you and deal with those individuals appropriately.
Thanks for any of your help, whether by contacting us and reporting any suspicious activity or simply by being aware and avoiding it, now Stay Safe and go have fun.
Thanks for taking the time to read this!