2020 Is The Year To Make Your Sexy Travel Dreams Come

10:26 am Monday, 13th January, 2020

2020 is here and the new decade is ready to be flipped over and enjoyed to its fullest. There has never been a better time to plan your dream vacation than the present.

Plus, the excitement of experiencing unique cultures, being exposed to new people and being free of your day job is guaranteed to light a fire under your libido.

1. Enjoy the Journey, Not Just the Destination

One of the most enjoyable aspects of travelling long distances are the numerous sexy opportunities that life presents. Flying with your partner? Wait till lights out and explore your options. Depending on how risqué you're feeling that could range from mutual masturbation to oral sex – just please cover-up. Done with the foreplay? Why not head to restrooms for a cheeky quickie? It's about time you earned your Mile High Club badge.

If you prefer long road trips be sure to invest in either a camper van or an SUV. Unless you are young and flexible sex on the backseat is not as fun as it sounds. Rather take your lead from your favourite porn site and get a vehicle that has plenty of head room and seats you can lay flat.

2. Go Wild in The Great Outdoors

Google safe and trusted outdoor venues like nude beaches and resorts where you and partner can strut your stuff in nature.

The fresh air, open acceptance of all body types and the enjoyable scenery can lead to some pretty hot sex… and if you’re open to it make new friends who are open to "group activities".

Speaking of hot sex, be sure to take sunscreen, sandals and a blanket when you go wandering. Nothing will dampen the mood like the combination of a sunburnt penis, sore feet and scraped knees. Safety first.

3. Getting Sexy On the DL

When you’re travelling budget often becomes an important part of the trip. Be sure to look up hostels as they’re often far more cost-effective than mainstream hotels and are usually filled with interesting people from around the world.

If getting laid is front of mind, consider spending some of that cash you saved on a private room. That way you and your hot new hook-up will have the freedom to try all those tricks you’ve fantasising about without having a drunk roommate stumble over you mid-position change.

However, if you have to make use of dorm rooms, the common room or even the communal showers for your tryst, here are 4 never-fail positions that can come in handy:

4. Always Be Prepared

There is nothing sexier than safe sex when you know you’re protected from unexpected pregnancy and disease you can really let your freak flag fly. Always make sure that you have what you need to ensure an enjoyable sex-cation:

Let us know what your favourite travel hot spots are for meeting interesting new people? And if you have any tried and trusted tips for ensuring great sex? Leave a comment bellow.