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Spunky Facts

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Everything makes you ill these days according to the news. However fellas should be aware that scientists have reason to believe that keeping a running laptop close to their crotch for prolonged amounts of time can have an adverse affect on their sperm count and actually damage the sperm's DNA. This has something to do with the wifi signal being emitted, so boys we know the site's close to your heart but try not to keep it too close to your bits!

Did you know that sperm is stored at a nipple-stiffling -196 F in sperm banks? They're kept in liquid nitrogen to preserve them long term at this frosty temperature.

Those little swimmers are also full of nutrition containing a variety of chemicals including fructose, salt, Vitamin B12, creatine and lactic acid. That's quite a healthy cocktail!

...but just watch out...

...if you're allergic to brazil nuts. The proteins that cause the allergy will pass through seminal fluid. Go carefully with those fluids! img src="imagesadultemoticons026.gif"

Helo dear

am new here, can u be my helper in this site?

does pineapple juice makes it taste better ?

does pineapple juice makes it taste better ? and how to encourage ones spouse towards spunk play any tips on that

RE:does pineapple juice makes it taste better ?

Apparently so! There's quite a few studies on it across the internet (not official kind of tests though, mostly people just giving it a go themselves).

If they're not too keen on the prospect of cum play at the minute then you don't want to force them into anything too soon, so perhaps try and introduce them to it gradually by first of all watching bukakke videos together and then if they're willing to give it a go begin with something not so close to their face like chest for a bit, just to get them used to it. It's like with anything, just go at their own pace and do what you're both comfortable with!

RE:Spunky Facts

I've done my bit I don't want anymore children

RE:Spunky Facts

Did you know that when more than one man leaves his sperm in a woman they fight it out for supremacy ?
And ever wondered why the head of a penis is the shape it is ? Because , on the outstroke , it acts like a rake dragging any one else's sperm out as it goes.