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Back in Spain

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We are back in Spain for 10 days from 23rd Jan. Will probably be at Cupidos on the 30th. Or anything else happening?

RE:Back in Spain

For some reason "for 10" got blanked out by the site, so just in case it does it again that is more than nine and less than eleven.

RE:Back in Spain

I'll try to be there on the 30th.

RE:Back in Spain

al be therexx

Long way

It's a hell of a long way from Malaga


Can confirm we will be at Cupido on the 30th from about 6.30.
There are always plenty of single guys there but it would be nice to meet one or two couples as well.


What a waste of time that was. Turned up at 7.15 and there were very few people there, 3 or 4 couples and about half a dozen single guys, no-one from this site BTW. We had a drink then went downstairs to see if there was anything going on, nothing, so we decided to get on one of the beds and see what happens. We were joined by a couple of Spanish guys who started "playing" with Sandra with one treating her pussy like he was digging for coal!!!
After 5 mins she had enough, went back upstairs for a drink and a nibble at the buffet, then went home. From now on the Wednesdays at Cupido are definitely a summer only event.


I'm sorry, but I couldn't go to Cupido las Wed. I have been waiting to meet you since the summer, but I have a flu and I'm at home.

I think that I'll have to wait until next summer.