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can i trust a new contact?

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hi, I've been experimenting with my wife's Lingerie for a few years now and really enjoy the feel of stockings and suspenders and have just bought my second pair of high heel boots. I have been enjoying anal sex with my wife for a while, But I now find I have a real desire to go to the next level and try a real cock in my mouth and arse, and to spend time with another man in lingerie. However I live in fairly small area and am afraid if I do meet a man for sex, what if I know him or he lets my secret out to people I know?. | have a fairly manly occupation and couldn't bare my friends or work collegues finding out. Can anyone help to build my confidence up as I am really keen to try a real cock out, and the desire gets more by the day!.

RE:can i trust a new contact?

Hi I have been going out for some time, firstly if you meet on here a person you know then the chances are they are just as supprised as you are. if these men are on the site chances are you and they have just learnt more about each other now. Chances are they will feel as 'vunrable' as you do. If you not ready to come out as a CD or the fact you believe you have gender issues, you can always deny it as there word againt yours. but most men ive encountered are not to willing to admit they frequent CD TG sites in the first place.
Good luck