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New Guy seeking help and advice please

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Hello to you all
I am a new to the scene and have put my profile on this site for the last month. But so far I have had some very nice replies from bi ladies explaining their preferences and loads of jokers responding for a wind up. Is it me... but I don't really want to hear from somebody in Senegsl or Ivory Coast!!
What am I doing wrong?
I would be extremely grateful if someone in this community could just have a look at my profile and give me some pointers.
Thanks for reading this.
Johnimg src="imagesadultemoticons029.gif"

Re: New Guy seeking help and advice please


Nothing really wrong with your profile except the "to develop a relationship as soul mates." mayB a bit heavy !! After all its a swingers site with pps looking for NSA fun. A bit more detail about your likes and what your looking 4 would help as well.

Only other suggestion would be to put a pic or 2 of U on there. Anything is better than nothing, doesnt have to be a nude shot but something that shows U at your best would help.

After you have done all this, get yourself in the chat room and take it from there.

Last tip. There always seems to be a party or social event being hosted by some1, get yourself along as its a gr8 way to meet the real ppl and start building a friendship network and genuine member status.

Re: New Guy seeking help and advice please

I don't think it's got anything to do with what you are doing wrong or who you are it's more a case of what you are! You're a single male and it's extremely difficult for a single man to break into the swinging scene, unless you have exceptional credentials. Swinging couples are still relatively rare despite what many swinging sites will have you believe but there will never be a shortage of single males looking for a shag so couples can afford to be very choosey. Unless you have something akin to John Holmes' 12.5 inch love muscle, join the queue mate... LOL.

Re: New Guy seeking help and advice please

Your not doing anything wrong...

Your Profile seems nice and relaxed... Its other timewasters on the site who are just having a lugh at everyones expense and shouldnt be on here if they are not who they say they are or if they are just having a windup with everyone.....

Carry on doing what youre doing and you will soon realise the real genuine people from the fake timewasters... It may take a while but hang on in there... I know it took a while for us but we have some good friends from this site now..


Re: New Guy seeking help and advice please

Thank you all for your advice and encouragement. Its great to know that there is a real community out there and not just bunch of computer nerds trying to wind people up for a few quid.
I have taken your advice and have now added a photo to my profile although not sure if it will put more people off than attract!
So I guess the general word is to preserver, which I shall.
Thanks again.

Re: New Guy seeking help and advice please

T001 got it right. Just one addition: most swinger couples do not look for single males at all. They are not choosey...they are simply not interested!

Re: New Guy seeking help and advice please

Hi Wolfycande,

Have another look. Hate to disagree with you, (first time!) but there are lots of couples looking for single guys and just because you are not one of those it doesnt mean thats the norm. We have advertised for singles as well as couples and have read many, no, lots of ads written by couples who are into the same thing.
The only thing to take from all this is that there are so many single guys available that the couples can be choosy and usually are.
We still reply to all the singles who write, even if we advertised for a couple, usually to tell them to have another look at our ad, to make sure they can read. One thing we can say is that we met one of the nicest and sexiest guys ever by that route.

Happy swinging, J&G