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How I started dressing back in the 80s

9:03 pm Sunday, 4th September, 2016

Ok not sure what to put but read some great blogs and feel I need to share some stories so I'm gonna start at the beginning. I grew up in the 70s and 80s before the internet and mobile phones, we never had satellite tv so had to make our own fun !! I remember being a proper boy always out playing sport climbing trees etc. I had brothers and a sister and on Sunday we always showered early and listened to the charts. One bleak and rainy Sunday we had been in doors all days bored stiff not knowing what to do next when someone suggested my sister put us in her clothes and we do a fashion parade for a laugh. I wasn't keen but my brothers where game so I was pressured into it, reluctantly I agreed. I can't remember exactly what I put on but am sure it was a skirt and top only. I was about 12ish at the time and we all found it hysterical and even though it was fun it was decided it wouldn't happen again .... I was already hooked .....
I knew I had to do it again

9:49 pm Tuesday, 6th July, 2021

Yes love to take you 

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Tv Loves to wear stockings and suspenders looking for fun

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