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Fit over fat, because it

10:42 am Friday, 27th June, 2014

For those who think that being fit or being a 'gym nut' is a step too far, then I beg to differ. Now no offence meant to the unfit, the fat or the obese out there but you are what it says on your can and your can here is...YOU - inside and out. Being and showing that you are fit shows that you look after yourself, you care, you strive, you have self-esteem, you pay attention to detail and push the limits.

Being fat/obese on the other hand.... well, it's not rocket science to know something has gone adrift from the norm. Humans were never meant to be fat or grossly overweight - our DNA suggests we were fit and agile gatherer/hunters when we first stepped onto the plains. Being overweight means we HAVEN'T looked after ourselves, we have abused our bodies and overloaded.

Ok I'm saying it like to is, but when you choose a mate or a sex partner do you choose the guy/girl who looks like he/she has inner and outer strength, or are you more likely to find comfort in rolls of useless unemployed fat?

Bottom line: Fit boys and fit girls deserve your attention, because you know they look after themselves and strive to be at the top of the tree.

So, choose a fit mate; and hope that the personality follows the perspiration!

11:02 am Friday, 27th June, 2014

Is this going to be a sort of "Funtimes on steroids" blog I wonder? :-)

12:02 pm Friday, 27th June, 2014

Hahahaha I bet this didn't turn out how he hoped it would!

I agree with every word KK, It's no surprise that LOTS of our Kings, Lords, Barons etc etc etc and many wealthy businessmen are 'portly' shall we say. It was a sure sign of wealth and abundance.
Only peasants needed to be skinny and fit. Firstly because they couldn't afford to eat.. and secondly because they had to do hard physical labour all bloody week long.

Sorry, but don't bring DNA into the arguementdebate, if you don't actually understand DNA.

Here's something for you to think about: 'Survival of the fittest' has NOTHING to do with how fit the animal was or is...

It MEANS: how good a FIT is the animal for it's environment... get it? A short necked Giraffe who wants to eat only tender leaves at the top of trees, like it's friends, would probably not be a good FIT for his environment and would probably not be chosen as a mate.. so he'd die off,

DNA 'choses' almost by accident which is the 'fittest'. If by accident an animal is better suited to some aspect of survival, he's fittest.. i.e. he 'FITS the BEST' and is more likely to survive and find a mate. There, NOW you can spout a little about evolution and DNA.
Ok, back to the heavy weights and mirrors for you. Have fun.

12:04 pm Friday, 27th June, 2014

Unfortunately, people that are too hung up on exercise, all they talk about is the gym and exercise. img src='imagesadultemoticons020.gif'
I'm a reasonably fit bloke. I run, I go to the gym when I feel like it, but I don't do obsession. My preference for a partner would be athletic. That's taking everything out of the equation except the physical. But, there's a lot more to attraction than the purely physical isn't there?

12:52 pm Friday, 27th June, 2014

What a coincidence .... It was only this morning, when I was trying to stuff my spare tyre into a summer dress, did I remember that I was going to write a blog about a similar subject.

Anyway, I decided not to write it; some thoughts are best kept to myself.

3:34 pm Friday, 27th June, 2014

He won't be here long!img src="imagesadultemoticons012.gif"

3:45 pm Friday, 27th June, 2014

How to win friends and influence people...... Oh dear!

Don't believe anywhere in our DNA it is proven that we were meant to be fit and agile. We were fit an agile because failure to be so meant starvation and death. Do you honestly thing if Hengist Pod had access to a curry house and a box of Krispy Kreme doughnuts he would've spent days hunting and picking berries?

However our DNA has given us the ability to reason and make decisions. It allows us to appreciate items of no use merely for their beauty. It also allows us to appreciate others who don't match up the the local fit fascists idea of attractiveness. Everyone deserves attention because everyone has something to offer and shines in their own way. If you only think "fit" people are attractive you really need to get out more!

Right I've got an appointment with a sofa, a pint and rather attractive Chicken Balti and I don't want to be late!

7:09 pm Friday, 27th June, 2014

"So, choose a fit mate; and hope that the personality follows the perspiration!"

Personally, I go by the maxim "Personality is everything." All hopes after that are merely hopes.

8:31 pm Friday, 27th June, 2014

Twice around my beautiful bodyyyyyyyyyy........


I love this blog already.

8:32 pm Friday, 27th June, 2014

Time in fact to put my T Shirt on too - standby for profile piccie change!

8:59 pm Friday, 27th June, 2014

I think I'm in the doghouse :-)

9:14 pm Friday, 27th June, 2014

C'mere you two and give me a hug!

9:27 pm Friday, 27th June, 2014

Hugs are nice, but never enough ;-)

10:50 pm Friday, 27th June, 2014

Ah, I see I got a debate going! Well why not? No arrogance, simply opinion. Much like yours. It's in your DNA you see. It's far from about gym (or lack of it)..but hey, we all stand and fight our corners.

10:57 pm Friday, 27th June, 2014

img src="imagesadultemoticons014.gif" I used to exercise on a regular basis but I have now cut back quite a lotimg src="imagesadultemoticons002.gif" . Congrats btw on a very popular blog

12:50 am Saturday, 28th June, 2014

Sorry for my tardiness.....

Tut Tut you guys...... why bother as some people are unable to understand the it takes all kinds to make the world we live in an enjoyable place to be. I personally won't waste any of my time on small minded people. If others do the same the "Marmite blog" will float off into blog osphere, which is in my opinion for the best. We Live and learn....well some of us do anyway others never will. Even slim fit women don't like rudeness, ignorance or arrogance.
Oh to see ourselves as others see us, clearly we can all see the big picture here.

5:22 am Saturday, 28th June, 2014

To be honest, I find women with abs and biceps - or those that do marathons - a turn-off because they tend to be too self-obsessed and too androgynous for my own personal taste. While I do prefer roughly height-weight proportionate, I think that the main appeal of women lies in their softness and curves.

As for men, I would argue that striving for washboard abs and straining sinews is NOT a natural situation. It is simply a desire to conform to an idealized image that has been foisted off onto us by the media. I'm sure that our ancestors did not spend their lives doing abdominal crunches, squats and press-ups, and staring anxiously at their abdomens in a mirror :-) The musculature they would have developed would have been more natural and in keeping with their daily activities.

If we are going to bring DNA into it, then it's worth pointing out that humans are genetically diverse. A well as the genes that dictate the biomorphic differences between the races, there are also those that determine metabolism, character, proneness to alcohol abuse and excessive calorie intake, and susceptibility to various diseases. Like it or not, we are shaped by these genes. Some people are genetically programmed to store fat evenly, whereas others tend to accumulate it in specific areas of the body that are - sadly - not considered "fashionable". There are also genes that determine the Type A personality in males and females. Although such people may be achievers, they don't acquire many friends along the way :-)

The only parallel between us and cavemen is that they ate less, whereas civilization has given us food in abundance. Therefore, half the battle is simply to eat less, and the rest will more or less take care of itself. Sex helps too, of course :-)

7:19 am Saturday, 28th June, 2014

Someone should write a blog on why people bother to respond to blogs by FKs

8:57 am Saturday, 28th June, 2014

Right Kitty. Your profile checked.

Fancy helping me with some press-ups??????

10:21 am Saturday, 28th June, 2014

Ok thank you to all for your positivenegativeneutralconsideredill-considered comments. This blog was initiated in order to give a little support to those that keep themselves fit in the search for a mate - survival of the fittest rather than the fattest (not my words). That isn't to say we don't ALL have a valid place in this world or on this site, of course we do - it takes all kinds, and one man's poison is another's meat and drink. So yes, each to hisher own and to be what we wish to be for sure, but I will finish on this, if we all had a choice NOW to be fit or not to be fit, to be athletic or overweight, I sincerely believe there would be only one winner.

10:58 am Saturday, 28th June, 2014

Please read, take in and if you are being overly sensitive, then there is no need: I repeat; 'That isn't to say we don't ALL have a valid place in this world or on this site, of course we do - it takes all kinds, and one man's poison is another's meat and drink'.

11:08 am Saturday, 28th June, 2014

J&L: The choices you propose in your closing sentence are far too stark and polarized: a little like GW Bush's "you're either with us or against us". Most of the woes of this world come from people who are over-zealous about various issues, and this is a good example.

The most natural, attractive, realistic and achievable condition to be in comes somewhere in between your two extremes, and is manageable by anyone who is prepared to exercise modestly and eatdrink sensibly.

As for your hypothesis that only men who seek to emulate Arnie S. are uniquely qualified to share their DNA with attractive female mates, I can assure you as a wasted weedy guy I've survived long enough to make a significant contribution to the gene pool :-)

11:25 am Saturday, 28th June, 2014

SS: I'm sure half an hour with you is worth about a full day on the cross-trainer and rowing machine. You could then send him over to me for some liver-training :-)

11:36 am Saturday, 28th June, 2014

You can make or read into my comments what you like, as some of you have. But in some cases the replies suggest much more about the state of their minds than they do mine. Think about it.

12:04 pm Saturday, 28th June, 2014

I have not been here as often as I would have liked but I have to say that I wrote Kitty a storming and DNA related response to her query as to why everyone had pitched in here. Sadly it did not make the grade. But never mind.

The only bit of the loss that concerns me was the bit about Kitty helping me out with my exercise routine.

I think J&L (although being a stickler for attention to detail myself after a lifetime of healthy - ahem - living I should more properly say "J") has an opinion and here is as good a place to air it as anywhere.

For myself though my preference is what is inside the outer wrapping. It takes all sorts to make a world and thank goodness for that.

I am a teensy bit self conscious now though as I seem to recall that the opening gambit of my own profile text refers to the state of my physical self rather than anything else, so please forgive me for that. I may even have a wee edit and see if I can phrase it better in the context of this site and more particularly the comments in this blog.

I might try something like "more action than the energiser bunny"

12:16 pm Saturday, 28th June, 2014

"the replies suggest much more about the state of their minds than they do mine"

If you mean that a lot of us have more fun by taking life less seriously, then you may have a point :-)

2:15 pm Saturday, 28th June, 2014

J&L please stop digging or we will have to send the Cave Rescue Squad to get you out of that hole.... Although they must be fit, you can't have fat people in all those tight spaces!

9:22 pm Monday, 30th June, 2014


I have to admit It's not often I find my anger coming up, and over the years I've learned to walk away from a situation, cool my jets and reassess why I felt that particular emotion. Often now following a good nights sleep I wake to realise that's life is far to short and fabulous to get hung up over some miniscule detail. However this blog has rankled me for days now, and though a complete waste of time I will feel better getting something off my chest and down on paper so to speak.......

Whether you read it or not, take note or not is of very little consequence to me, but I hope you do, and I hope that before you slap your fingers down onto a keyboard again you may think twice before hitting the send key!

My good buddy and close friend is an ex army p.e. instructor, no slouch as you can imagine. He's an accomplished mountain climber, ski instructor, caving instructor, survival expert, and spent many years pulling bodies both dead and alive from the mountains in Scotland! Four years ago he slipped whilst taking a team skiing in Sweden. He fell seven meters into a ravine crushing his spine as he landed. Pneumonia set in along with a punctured lung and a whole host of nasties, prompting the hospital to call his wife to tell her to prepare for the worst. He survived by his sheer tenacity of character, and though he can now walk with the aid of sticks, his fitness days are over! He struggles to do anything physical and though he is setting himself new goals every day, guess what? He's fat!!!!!

My sister was a slim six foot two as a young girl, and had just about every guy on the planet after her! At twenty five her body played her an odd card as her thyroid went off the charts. medication helped her to a degree but she never kept her shape, and guess what? she's fat!

My Auntie was the fittest woman I have ever known. As kids she would wear us all out playing football, in the nearby fields, a semi professional tennis player, and ran every day regardless of the weather. When the love of her life, the one and only man she had been childhood sweethearts with got killed by a hit and run driver, her world fell apart, and she became clinically depressed. She developed an eating disorder and eventually took her own life as, in the words of her suicide note, 'she couldn't stand to look at herself anymore'. It was later discovered that the local kids used to push cruel notes and drawings through her door and yell things like, 'Jabba the Hut' through the letter box! And guess what? she was fat!

Then there is 'makesyousmile' I've never been an uber fit guy, but I've done ok! Several years ago for some reason I had shingles. It passed but I never felt quite right afterwards and was constantly falling asleep and feeling incredibly weak. It progressed to the point where even getting ready to go out was a huge task. I fought on until eventually I collapsed at work one day. It turned out after many tests that I had M.E. (yuppie flu as it used to be known as) Fortunately now long since behind me I can look back and breath a sigh of relief that it wasn't as severe as some cases can be. However, I lost my job, my life was turned upside down, I had no energy, to even think about going to the gym, let alone actually doing it. I was looking at a good day if I could even manage to get out of bed! and guess what? I got fat!

I'm so pleased for you Joe&lucy, that you appear to have all your ducks in a neat straight line, your in good physical health, and kudos to you for achieving a body beautiful. However, whilst you are quite right that you are entitled to your opinion! You are, but how dare you judge me and people who are not as fortunate as yourself.............They may be lazy, they may be undriven, but they may also have been to a place that your head couldn't possibly understand.

9:37 pm Monday, 30th June, 2014

(((HUGS))) to you MYS.

Guess what I have just noticed? Joe's nipples are bigger than mine. I didn't think it was possible :-)

10:02 pm Monday, 30th June, 2014

Thanks for the hugs luv2. Will keep them safe. X x

11:51 am Tuesday, 1st July, 2014

One final word from me on this. This particular blog was written as a pro fitness blog (bestowing the virtues of fitness and athletism) ....and NOT an anti fatobese blog.

Physical appearance is of course only one of the necessary mating signals, though I maintain it's a very important one - especially on a forum such as this site.

So each to their own very much so, and each to their own in heralding their best features - whether body shape, personality or whatever.

If this blog has opened a can of worms, then I for one am not squirming. I appreciate everyone's comments - pro or anti, apart from the abusive. After all, if we were all to simply write mundane blogs with no emotional content or no hook for the reader, then blogs would be pointless.

If you are happy in your outer 'shell', then that's great, but I remain happy to promote the virtues of fitness within the world of love and sex....and beyond.

Thank you one and all.

3:59 pm Tuesday, 1st July, 2014

Thank goodness not everyone thinks the way you do.. or I'd never get a shag img src="imagesadultemoticons024.gif"

5:11 pm Tuesday, 1st July, 2014

(In my most sexy voice) Ooo Wilf, where have you been all my life?

5:30 pm Tuesday, 1st July, 2014

Come the next ice age famine (delete as appropriate) myself and everyone else who caries their contingency food around with them will be fine, while all the scrawny gym bunnies fall like flies. ..then we'll see who the fittest who survive are....

8:50 pm Tuesday, 1st July, 2014

When I arrived in Baghdad first time around there was a handy guide to the facilities available. One of which was the Palace Gym which, according to the guide, was "Only a short walk from the accommodation".

Well that's nice thought I as a Brit for whom the phrase "have a nice day" is best responded to with a "I fecking doubt it" but in this case I was impressed with the New World Warriors efforts to make the combat experience nicely Disney (anyone seen The Green Zone?)

Then the thought struck me. A short walk? What's the point of that and if they were really serious surely they would have made it a "tough run" or "a mind-bogglingly difficult journey".

The reality was of course that with the exception of those of the Chuck Norris persuasion the gym was somewhere to pose around trying to impress.

So with all that behind me I stick to the rigger exercise regime of fine eating, the best ales and striding out with my terriers on my lovely fells. Oh and a job that keeps me on my feet for most of the working day.

Happily my terriers don't seem to give a feck when I try to impress them...

8:54 pm Tuesday, 1st July, 2014

Oh and for the record some of the toughest fittest healthiest Chuck Norris types I know are like eggs on legs...

9:31 pm Tuesday, 1st July, 2014

Rigger, your exercise regime goes far beyond a stroll in the fells :-)
img src="imagesadultemoticons012.gif"

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Experienced intelligent athletic male seeking younger female 4 fun & 'adventures'.

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