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Rite of Passage or how to score runs without trying!

5:50 am Monday, 28th April, 2014

As a 16 year old, I had worked very hard for my O levels and was allowed to go to a holiday camp on the east coast for a week, with three friends .There I was seduced by a very attractive 28year old lady.Up till that point,I had been more concerned about my exam results and my batting average.I freely admit that I knew little about the art of love-making apart from knowing what went where and that vigorous thrusting was required. Like many at the time, my experience was confined to furtive fumblings and the occasional expedition into a girl's knickers.This lady in question,opened up a world which I never knew existed and taught me properly what sex was all about. To this day I feel I owe her a debt of gratitude for setting me on the right path. As a footnote, my batting improved significantly for the rest of the season ( including 2 centuries ) and the later arrival of a brown envelope,advising of my success in the exams rounded off a very good year ! Apart from having a very enjoyable experience with this lady,it assisted me to re-evaluate my priories and not to fret so much about things,so when the time came for A levels I was much more relaxed and sailed through them and had achieved much more sporting prowess also.
Has anyone else had a milestone in their life of almost Biblical" Road to Damascus " revelation, which they still look upon as life-changing ?

7:35 am Monday, 28th April, 2014

I can count the number of times I've been seduced (by an attractive woman or otherwise) on the fingers of one foot!

8:00 am Monday, 28th April, 2014

Cheer up Graham,my old mate.Yes, the Grim Reaper is waiting on the opposition try-line but that doesn't mean we can't side-step him a few times and get some more good scores in before he finally tackles us and brings us down !

9:42 am Monday, 28th April, 2014

Gillibean xxxx I need to know ! can't wait to hear the storyimg src="imagesadultemoticons014.gif"

11:28 am Monday, 28th April, 2014

Yeah. That moment came for me when I was living in an insanitary tip in Sunderland with a bunch of lads who resembled the cast of The Young Ones. I sitting on the pan with a much-thumbed (and stained) copy of Mayfair, when I stumbled on a three-page feature showing a couple of heavy-breasted Japanese women stretched out languorously on a tropical beach.
Sandwiched as they were between norty Debbie from Dagenham and sexy Soozi from Southport, they shone like rare jewels, and I realized I had to see the world :-)

6:28 pm Monday, 28th April, 2014

Graduation ceremony: A constant reminder why it's never, ever a good idea to wear heels when you have to walk across a wooden floored stage in front of hundreds of people.
Life changing lesson ...

7:34 pm Monday, 28th April, 2014

Miss Goodnight.And thank goodness you were spared to bring a little joy into our lives .xxxx
Luv 2 Suc.Full credit to you for bringing some slapstick humour to what are normally,dull occasions.I hope the audience appreciated your pratfall followed by the double forward roll into the Dean's lap ! xxxx

8:42 pm Monday, 28th April, 2014

Fetch, on the bright side, it was yet another opportunity for me to make Mom and Dad proud (hmm). Actually that's a lie - lets just say I was suitably chastised.
When the VHS appears once a year, I still regularly get to re-live the horrors of the day.

Oh, did I mention I was a wee bit tipsy?

9:03 pm Monday, 28th April, 2014

Jeez Mac, we heard you the first time.

9:23 pm Monday, 28th April, 2014

You sound like you're having fun. I'd love a glass of whatever you're having right now.

Blog Introduction

I'm afaid I'm often unable to read messages sent to me or reply to them so please catch me in the chat rooms .Thanks .Now on with my flight of fancy !

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