Welcumdstraction blog

12:47 pm Thursday, 9th June, 2016

I originally joined this site in February 2015,
I have no idea how I stumbled across the site, I know I wasn't looking for it but what I did notice about this place was it was different..



9:01 am Sunday, 20th March, 2016

Is it a growing trend?
Are more and more people really experimenting sexually with those of the same gender?

It has become morally acceptable now to have a same sex relationship.. Hell we have..


1:40 pm Monday, 18th January, 2016

Its Blue Monday today, its official...
Christmas is a distant memory,
Your broke until pay day..
The credit card statement is due any day
You have given up drinking and you are on the first of..


9:57 pm Thursday, 24th December, 2015

Twas the night before Christmas,
When all through the house,

Everybody felt shitty even the mouse.
With Mom at the whore house,

And dad smoking grass,
I'd just settled down for a nice piece..


6:09 pm Sunday, 20th December, 2015

The question is in the title..well?
Now i have to pad this out with a load of ol tosh just to get up to the fifty character minimum requirement...


6:51 am Wednesday, 18th November, 2015

Are we??? Something to ponder....

A friend was whining yesterday, he has recently split from his girlfriend and i snow browsing a popular dating site for someone new;
"There are a few..


6:51 am Friday, 6th November, 2015

A lot has been written lately of peoples love for "kneeling at the altar"....
But apart from "eating from the honey pot" there must be plenty of over positions you love adopting during your moments..


8:44 am Thursday, 15th October, 2015

Picture the scene...
You are at a great party, the best in ages;
Great company, brilliant dj, free flowing drink...everybody is having a great time...then it happens....Agadoo starts playing and..


10:00 pm Monday, 31st August, 2015

This "F" word has the whole community divided, should it be allowed or should it be banned, cast off and scorned like yesterdays used Johnny.

I find it all rather odd, something that is so..


8:40 am Thursday, 30th July, 2015

Groucho Marx said "You are as old as the woman you feel"
A little sexist by todays standard but i agree with the sentiment.
I find myself with people half my age and end up doing the things they..


4:47 pm Tuesday, 21st July, 2015

Picture the scene,
I have just ordered my coffee, strong,black, no sugar.
I then settle into the comfy chair in the hotel reception to wait for my liquid boost. Sky news is on the tv's, mute of..


12:31 am Sunday, 21st June, 2015

Enquiring as always, after the answer to life, the universe and everything but failing that just the secret to the Colonels chicken recipe.

I hope by understanding what makes other people tick i..

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Just doin it for the butterflies

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