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Amer is A BULL .. U CUCKOLDS 55amr5 (26) Straight Male I am Amer , 19 , Egypt ... Hope to find u my moon Egypt, Al Buhayrah, Damanhûr |
Mahmoud Elbrawy Elbrawy Elbrawy aaaaffffmahmoud (31) Straight Male I love beautifull girls and woman I like eat fishs I love every pepole Egypt, Al Buhayrah, Rosetta |
Fuck anywhere anytime with love adelhussein383 (31) Straight Male Good sex…wild sex…BDSM sex…with me what you want, you get!!! And then…as soon as you are hooked and in love…I RUN LIKE MAD Egypt, Al Buhayrah, Edfina |
straight looking to join a couple for some fun! jamesdahab (43) Straight Male hi there, i am a good looking straight man looking a woman to have some fun as i wish to find my really soulmate for ever. i am healthy,clean and respectful and would like to meet.. Egypt, Al Buhayrah, El `awâna |