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SteveSmile's Quick Meet

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Event dates: Monday, 6 April 2015 I'm looking for a naughty woman who fancies playing with me anytime from 2 - 6pm in the Alicante area from Torrrevieja upto Oliva?

RE:SteveSmile's Quick Meet

Event dates: Monday, 6 April 2015 I'm looking for a naughty woman who fancies playing with me anytime from 2 - 6pm in the Alicante area from Torrrevieja upto Oliva?
ven if I was a naughty woman looking to play with a guy, I'd at least want to see him first, but I must admit that dreaming is a good thing.

RE:RE:SteveSmile's Quick Meet

I've always been a dreamer - and a born optimist! Thanks for commenting, Steve

RE:SteveSmile's Quick Meet

ready in mayimg src="imagesadultemoticons014.gif"

SteveSmile's Quick Meet

So am I - but why wait until May?!

SteveSmile's Quick Meet

Anyone local fancy some naughty fun overnight?

Steve xx

RE:SteveSmile's Quick Meet

"Back in Oilva, Spain"
Where's Oilva?

RE:RE:SteveSmile's Quick Meet

Between Gandia and Denia, about 25 miles north of Benidorm.

RE:RE:RE:SteveSmile's Quick Meet

No, that's Oliva, where's Oilva?

RE:RE:RE:RE:SteveSmile's Quick Meet


Thanks for spotting the typo! Probably too late though.
