Working toooo hard, SPANK ME

6:30 am Friday, 31st December, 2021


We all work too hard.

I found myself wanting some love.

Be it conversation sharing a drink or two, even a bite to eat just to reminisce about life……maybe more.

Tons of ads for good looking women, I picked a few and sent a text - out of better judgement I knew better.

Spank me.

A reply came through, simple chat evolved and I found myself driving in her direction with my mind reeling of all the fun we could possibly have.

Then the bomb.

A request for a deposit upfront - lack of better judgement I complied.

She sent sexy revealing pics, even a video, then another bomb.

“Please send more love - Love!”

I sat in my seat……….I’m not feeling all that conversational or frisky anymore.

I’m frustrated with what others feel their entitled too………… advance.

The new year is 24 hours away.

These few funds that I was going to spend on something that would only last for a mere 30-45 minutes should go towards someone who could really use it.

I find myself wanting to donate to those less privileged this time of year.

“In from the cold”, “Emergency Shelter”, “Food Banks”

I feel much better now, I have a new direction.

I enjoy having like minded friends around me, I’m known to be very generous, fun yet stern…………and a whole lot of fun.

Until I find a new friend or a few where we can have idle chit chats n more I shall leave this phrase to those who may tempt me again.

Fool me once shame on you, Fool me again - shame on me!

Spank Spank Spank


3:01 am Monday, 24th January, 2022 MstrssClaire

Hi BH, 

Unfortunately, some people don't understand the importance of up front transparency. 

9:16 am Thursday, 27th January, 2022 kellysirel350

I’m sorry you got taken advantage off  from the person who did that to you because I also got taken advantage of I know the feeling 

9:16 am Thursday, 27th January, 2022 kellysirel350

I’m sorry you got taken advantage off  from the person who did that to you because I also got taken advantage of I know the feeling 

9:16 am Thursday, 27th January, 2022 kellysirel350

I’m sorry you got taken advantage off  from the person who did that to you because I also got taken advantage of I know the feeling 

9:20 am Thursday, 27th January, 2022 kellysirel350

Sorry for posting three I guess I doubled tap it 

7:12 am Sunday, 3rd April, 2022 yhot041

Oh you naughty Boy!!

Blog Introduction


Let’s dive into naughty weekday fun - read and love my erotica!