Introduction and a little info to support my profile

7:17 pm Tuesday, 21st December, 2021


What a crap year! Apologies this is long and not sexy in the slightest but just want to say a little about myself, may help if you have dropped in on my profile.

Hey all, over the last 3 years I have cared for my father in law in his late80's whilst also watching my wife's energy, confidence and health drain away, she succumbed to her fate at the beginning of September and I find myself alone for the first time in 31 years.

I am a social creature by nature, myself and my lady were members of this site back in 2003 to 2007, we had some great fun and met some fab people, went to some great clubs and parties and just lived a lot back then.

Over the last 3 years or so the most we could manage was to cuddle each other, this was our only remaining intimate contact, I would love to just hug her again, it was so painful to watch the last week of her life, she used to be so confident and the life and soul of any gathering, in the end she suffered with Agorophobia and massive Anxiety, the last time we went anywhere together was January 2019 to visit Krakow and Aushwitz which was her bucket list topper.

We are/were both Brummies and moved to the South West mid 2007 after I sustained a back injury as a result of a Chiropractor's impatience and mistake in July 2006, this resulted in me being unable to work for 6 months and had surgery on Jan 1st 2007. this led us down the path of having our lives turned upside down as our family home was repossessed, we had to move with what we could fit in the back of a LWBtransit....which wasn't a lot, we basically had to start again.

Due to the move we lost all our friends from our youth and my family took the move hard and broke contact with me mid 2008, only my eldest sister stayed close and visited us, we had some great times and had a real bond she was taken from us in December 2015 due to Cancer.

I have taken to being a loner over the years and done quite well for myself, wife and the offspring (grown up's now). that said I relish in good fun company.

I dropped on a dating site, me and my girl had that kind of relationship as soulmates and she said in her final days to get out and enjoy myself, that said dating isn't what I need but company is, I feel that to date wouldn't be right as I will be comparing and I am a little different to just the average Joe so to find someone with similar interests is a needle in a haystack.

For these reasons I have decided to try coming back onto this site to see if there are pps around who just like to have a laugh, aren't hung up, don't judge and understands the body ages but the person inside still exists.

I know older guys can be over bearing and get side-tracked as there are much younger more virile guys about to fill the gaps, what does come with some of us though is a no pressure, understanding and chilled outlook, I just want to have a giggle, flirt, watch, entertain, chill with music or a movie, watch the F1 with someone who enjoys it as much as I do 9A tad too much!), maybe ppl who like to go to comedy gig's to share the laughs with.

A connection mentally is more important than physical attraction in my belief, although important it's not the be all and end all.

A bit of mutual intimacy and fun would be a bonus occasionally 🙂 Sorry it's been long, a tad deep and maybe boring to you but thanks for reading anyways 🙂

If I sound like someone you may get along with please drop me a message....and please no 24 year old girls who have just signed up then want to move over to Wha*sA*p, I don't and wouldn't need thisin my life.

I am explorative creature by nature, interlectual, can hold a good level of coversation and like to ppl watch and work out quirks, keeps things entertaining but most of all just great friendly open people like I met so many years back, no brainer that this is the place to be right now :)

Billy x


11:36 pm Saturday, 12th March, 2022 Sammi76

I’m just down the road from you, would love to meet up for a drink sometime 

Blog Introduction


Taking time out from the site so wont be logging in