Life as a photographer 1

3:45 pm Wednesday, 8th December, 2021


Season 1: Episode 1

It was Jan 2010, I was in early 20s working in IT but wanted to excel as photographer. For learning curve i use to freelance wedding photography along with friends. One such event an young couple approached me for a special photoshoot since they love our work and they didn't had a chance to do one during their wedding.
We had quoted the price and the negotiations were started and they expect almost 70% reduction, for which my friend rejected the deal.
However, i wanted to take up the deal despite of loss , just for my learning and signature.Finally price was agreed, i suggested two themes , traditional wedding with some dramatic outdoor shoots and western indoor shoot. We decided spots and stuffs.

First weekend, it was traditional one.Pattu pudavai (silk saree), Dhavani (half Saree), gagra choli and party wear saree (net) with sleeveless blouse is what my suggestion to the female and for the boy it was veshti shirt, kurta, kurta and denim.

The guy is little shorter than the girl and little dark complex when compared to her so I carefully chosen the colors for him.

The girl is in early 20s just a year or two senior to me ,fair & slim but slight curves, nicely developed chest with peaky curves, i was able to notice tat in the first meet itself when she was in Kurtis.She is a definite head turner.
However, i wanted to be very professional, before the shoot i explained the theme and how the outputs will be etc., asked them how comfortable they are to pose in public, so that I can do some rehearsal before shoot so that we can save time.The girl looks excited and the guy said he can do it easily. I ensured that they can do self makeover and styling , so it will be only me and no assistants.
So on that weekend I had to pick up them at their home which is 30kms away from our location, the guy came in veshti shirt and she was in pattu pudavai with simple make up. They communicated that Her elder sister was joining us on the way. Meanwhile thy got an update that she's not joining, as she got some other work had to miss this.
We arrived at our location in golden hour , couples showed fantastic energy but the girl looks little uncomfortable now and then. Photos came perfect and they saw the raw and said, we can continue tomorrow. But for me this lighting is precocious.
Finally the guy said, his wife dont know to wear saree and since her sister is also not around, it won't be possible. No options left, we have to move. While driving back, she was looking at those photos and praising me.
But he was looking irritated, I asked him, "boss, what happened, you didn't like ?"He said "bro, you should have some back up person for these stylings, we are wasting a day".I was like, idiot, i asked you before, but i politely said " Boss, for emergency, I can drap and even do styling, but since you both were particular about her sister i didn't insisted"
He immediately asked her " Preethi, can v go back and take the further shoot" She looked at me through the rear mirror for a moment and nodded yes with doubt.

To be continued

Blog Introduction


Couples - Started exploring the stuffs