I love writing and Sharing Quotes

4:12 pm Thursday, 2nd December, 2021


To Appreciate Life and all Creation, It Changes everything,
You always wanted life to be perfect.
Now life is perfect 💕.

That came from a deep tangent I dissolved into. 🤯
Since 7 years ago, I have been making a concious effort to make sense of life, reevaluating why and how I have learnt to percive the physical dimension, understanding until we have awareness of another dimension of life, another dimension of life won't exist for you, You don't have to learn, believe, study, or follow a specific narrative, Unlearning is the highest form of learning, Spirituality is not a religion, Once our soul is consciously identified, Spirituality is the awareness, a concious exsperience, without room for misinterpretation, Our minds will analize the physical surroundings using our 5 senses to identify and compare the physical dimension, designed for survival, identifying physical things, situations, circumstances and identities, in comparison to mainstream perspectives, our minds unconciously programmed into alignment together, producing compliant obedient tools through our edjucation, to maintain the biblical narrative Capitalism, Devaluing and punishing victim's of unfairly distributed wealth and resources or punishing anyone with identities that don't measure up to the narrative, 4004 bc until 2021 today, are the devil's years, mankind competed against eachother every which way possible to further the divide, Believing comforts and conveniences we're the ingredients to feel pleasant. Physical Boundaries will never stop growing, and are only useful in particular situations or when compared with particular surroundings, the whole physical dimension can be exsplained with overwhelming scientific evidence, yet noone can explain one atom in it's entirety, nothing is solid, everything is made of atoms that never stop spinning,
EMOTIONS you feel within yourself, our soul is the 6th sense, Our minds are all programmed, Our emotions have been completely hijacked, compulsive reactions good or bad is LEARNT behavior eye for an eye is only fair, Whatever is happening around us we have no control of that, sometimes things happen the way we want it, if others want to cooperate or not we don't know, there are so many variables, either way all physical things circumstances situations are only ever temporary. How we feel is only by chance when our emotions are being determined by our surroundings, Scientifically proven we can function 90% better than normal when we feel pleasant, whatever happens around you,
wouldn't you want to find the best solution, unpleasantness can happen around us anytime, it is out of our control, Atleast in this lifetime we can learn to manage what is happening within us, it is 100% possible, there is only one ingredient ourselves, There is noone else to blame, you might have the highest qualification and the most money, but until you want everyone to be happy you are not fullfilled, Boundaries never stop growing and circumstances can change, Taking charge of the Inner Dimension is the only way to become boundless, Becoming a joyful person because you choose to make a concious effort to be, Not temporarily in comparison to physical things or surroundings, Fullfiment and Material wealth will go very well together, material wealth and pleasant surroundings are very pleasant and in high demand boundaries to achieve, men in the top 1% wealthiest boundaries are still unfulfilled taking home 98% of the world's income while 80% of mankind live on less than $1 per day , so many vulnerabilities make feeling pleasant unsustainable when identifying emotions in comparison to physical things , To become truly boundless is achieving wellbeing,
Wellbeing is feeling pleasant whatever happens around you. Situations are either Bliss or an adventure 😅😜.
Otherwise it shows we are just not very good managers of this highly sophisticated human machine. To put our emotions in the hands of anything else outside of ourselves, this is a lot of power for anyone to leave to chance. Conciousness and Awareness. Take charge of the inner dimension.

Blog Introduction


Adventurous, Honest Kind Caring Single Man, With Many hidden talents, I live and breathe building, I love fishing, I'm content in my own company, Very interested to see how this platform works out. I guess this isn't your run of the mill dating app, . HON