4. A Story about Leo and Etiquette.

4:21 pm Wednesday, 17th November, 2021


"Archie, what do you think of a threesome with Leo?" Linda asked on Thursday night when we went to bed. "Why threesome, why not just a foursome like a week ago?" I was amused. "I don't know. Leo called today and offered me this." “And what about Lisa?” "Lisa also took part in the conversation over the speakerphone and said that she didn’t mind." "And what did you answer?" "I replied that Leo should meet with you and talk about it." "Well said. We need to work out etiquette for threesomes."

For half an hour we discussed Leo's proposal, Linda found white blouse and black pleated miniskirt in her wardrobe. "Can he wear this skirt?" I doubted. “It's with an elastic at the waist. Very good quality". She assured me. Finally, we went to bed.

On Friday morning, Leo called me and offered to have lunch together and talk about a case. I agreed. I picked him up at lunchtime, we took food at drive thru and went to eat on the beautiful riverbank. After talking about different things, Leo finally got down to business. After listening and asking additional questions, I agreed, but stressed that we have developed etiquette for events of this format. Leo asked what kind of etiquette. I replied that, firstly, our guest should not tell anyone under any circumstances about what happens in threesomes. Leo agreed that this was a fair demand. Second, the guest must obey the requirements of the hosts during the event. Leo agreed with that too. And finally, the guest must come to our house in a special outfit, which we will give him. Leo said that he was ready to come even naked. “No, not naked,” I said, and took the package from the back seat and handed it to him. Leo pulled the blouse and skirt out of the bag and asked with a dazed look. "Should I come in this?" "Yes, only in this, barefoot, and with a bouquet of flowers for Linda. In addition, Linda wants you to cleanse yourself both internally and externally."

Leo hesitated a little, asked if Linda wanted him to shave anything besides his face. I said that the face should be enough, and everything else is at his discretion. Finally, Leo took the package, I told him to come to us at exactly 11:45 pm.


After 11 pm, Barbara and Brent were already asleep. Linda and I sat in armchairs in the basement. The only light source was a lamp hanging from the ceiling in the center of the basement. Linda was dressed in a beautiful robe over her naked body, I was wearing my black fluffy robe. I tried to read e-book.

Leo rang the doorbell at exactly 11:45 pm. Linda went to open it, shaking her hips beautifully. When the door opened, I heard Linda gasp, then she said something to him for a long time, to which Leo seemed to agree. Finally, Linda appeared, holding a magnificent bouquet of red roses in her hand. Leo followed in a blouse and miniskirt.

Linda went to the bar, took a vase, poured water into it and put a bouquet in the vase. Leo remained at the basement entrance. I greeted Leo and continued reading. The novel was very interesting.

Linda went into the center of the room, right under the lamp, turned to face Leo, unbuttoned her robe, pulled it off her shoulders and slowly dropped it, staring at Leo. She was lovely. Leo stared at her as if mesmerized.

"Leo, get on all fours and crawl over to me." Linda said quietly. Leo quickly got down on all fours and crawled towards her. At first, he stepped on his knees on the skirt, but quickly adapted and crawled to Linda's feet and looked up at her. There was a pleading expression on his face. His cock was raging hard, almost touching his belly.

“Leo, now start licking my body. Start from my toes and work your way up to my pussy." Linda explained softly. "You have a fine cock," she added.

He began to lick her body, starting from her toes. Slowly he moved up. Sometimes she turned when she wanted some areas to be worked more carefully. Linda chuckled slightly as Leo continued to work wonderfully with his tongue.

In 15 minutes, he got to her crotch. Leo buried his face in it. Then Linda held the back of his head towards her and moved slowly to the armchair. She sat down and opened her pussy wide.

Leo licked as if the whole world around him had disappeared. I got up from the armchair, put the condom on my penis, knelt behind Leo and pressed brutally against his asshole. My whole cock jammed into him. Leo screamed, stopped licking, and looked up.

Linda slapped Leo across his face. "I told you to lick my pussy", she softly explained. Leo nodded and resumed licking. "Relax, Leo," Linda whispered. "It doesn't hurt that much."

Then I started to move. I was pumping for a long time. Leo looked like he was in pain, but he kept licking and his cock was rock hard. Finally, Linda had a violent orgasm.
She hugged Leo's head tightly with her thighs, shaking so that she slid off the armchair. I was scared that Linda would break Leo's neck.

"Leo, you are the best pussy-licker I ever met," said Linda when she caught her breath a little. "Leo, you deserve your reward!" she added, turned around, lay down with her lush breasts on the seat of a chair and lifted her ass. "Archie, stop torturing Leo and give him a condom." I got out of Leo, took the condom off the bar, and handed it to Leo. Leo, sweaty, deftly put on condom, entered Linda and began to pump her pussy vigorously. Soon, he came.

Linda put on her robe and went to the bar. She made three drinks, gave me and Leo and told us to drink right now. We did it. "It's very stuffy in here," she said, "Let's go for a walk."

I gave Leo slippers and the three of us went out into the backyard. The night was moonless and stifling. We came out onto a path that ran between two rows of back yards. I got ahead of Linda and Leo. When I looked around, I saw that they were walking side by side and in step. I let them catch up with me and walked on the other side of Leo. Linda slid her hand up Leo's skirt and held his butt. I reached out my hand too and took hold of the other half.

We got to two benches on which dog owners like to socialize when they walk their pets. Linda sat on the bench, unbuttoned her robe completely, opened the flaps, pulled the robe off her shoulders slightly, and told Leo to take off his skirt and start licking her pussy. Leo took off the skirt, knelt and began to lick. Linda threw the skirt into the bushes. Leo didn't see that. I sat down on the bench opposite. I enjoyed the sex scene and looked around. There was no one to be seen.

Leo licked Linda's pussy enthusiastically. She gently ran her fingers through his hair. "Lick it," Linda whispered. "Suck it. Eat it!" And she started a humping and bumping. I thought it might dislocate Leo's jaw. Leo licked, and licked, and licked.

Finally, Linda started to squirm and shake and squirm. It was one of the most stunning scenes I saw in my life!

Leo looked exhausted. I helped him to his feet. He had the strongest erection, and so did I. I put the condom on my penis, stood behind Leo, facing Linda, a meter away from her. And then I shoved my cock in Leo's ass and started stroking his cock vigorously. Linda was completely naked, took a graceful pose, and, smiling, looked at us.

We both came in less than in a minute. I aimed Leo's shot at Linda's face, breasts, and stomach.

Linda smiled at us and said, "Could you help me clean myself?" We both knelt in front of her and began to lick the shiny white spots from her tender skin.
First, we took turns licking her face, then went down to her chest, each worked independently, me on the right breast, Leo on the left breast. I must say, we got carried away to lick her tits. "You're like two babies," Linda chuckled.

Suddenly, she said that people were coming. We quickly got up and walked to the house. It wasn't until we walked into our backyard that Linda noticed that Leo was not wearing a skirt. "How could you lose your uniform, Leo? ... You will be severely punished." She spoke quietly and went into the house.

Leo looked terrified. I don't know what Lisa told him about Linda's anger and about the punishments that await him, but I felt sorry for Leo. I advised him to leave, not to wait for Linda to return, I will somehow arrange everything. Leo thanked me, quickly got into his car, started it, and drove away.

I found Linda in the shower and joined her. "Where is Leo?" she asked. "He left, did not wait for your punishment." "He did the right thing. I'm terribly tired and deadly want to sleep. And don't forget to go to the bench in the morning and pick up the skirt." she said.

In the morning I got up early, took a mop and fished a skirt out of the bushes.

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Curious, Respectful and Discrete Friends with Benefits.