Draft Monday, November 1, 2021 12:26 PM

12:36 pm Monday, 1st November, 2021


The Wind
The one thing I hate about the wind is attending to the washing line.
My washing line is in the middle of the patio some 30 feet from my back door.
So armed with the pegs and washing basket and dressed up in my frilly outfit I head out onto the patio. My heels click on the patio as I make my way from the back door.
The wind gusts. My dress and petticoats fly. My stocking tops and panties are exposed to anyone looking over the fences.
Nervously, I peg each item on the line. My cheeks blushing as I cannot hold my skirts down and peg the washing on the line.
15 minutes it takes before I can return to the house.
I look up and see the face of my Mistress - She smiles as She turns the key in the door.
I am trapped outside on the patio. The wind blows the washing dry. Desperately I try to hold down my skirts - but to no avail.
How long will I be out here - who knows except my adorable Mistress.

Blog Introduction


All dressed up and no one to serve