Intimations of retirement

7:59 am Thursday, 27th June, 2013


People on this site continually keep churning out the same old mantra about age being just a number. That's as maybe, but I've always got the impression that those "numbers" count for a lot here, even if individuals are happy to console themselves - to their own satisfaction - that they don't.

I've always exercised as much objectivity as I can about things that go on in this world and about myself in particular, and I think I've always had an accurate idea of self-image. I'm not vain by nature, and in fact it would be a bit rich if I were because I'm only too acutely aware of my many imperfections, so I'm not keen to spend too much time in front of a mirror :-) However, I'm usually there long enough to cotton on if I'm getting out of shape, and that invariably compels me to do something about it. But in the back of my mind there's always that awareness that I'm a man of a "certain age", and that sometime in the fairly near future I may end up looking faintly ridiculous trying to pass myself off as a "stud" on this site :-)

I suspect my "problem" - if you like - is that I've always had disproportionate expectations about the type of dating partners I "deserve". Most women of my age (at least in the UK) who I would consider attractive are either not on this site, or those that are are only interested in blokes much younger than myself. Consequently, therefore, I've tended to target women in the 30-40-something age range, and although I've struck lucky now and again, lately I've been aware of diminishing returns in terms of time invested looking, most likely because I've now broken the psychological "zimmer frame" 50s barrier :-) The thing is - I'm just too bloody fussy about hooking up with anyone who doesn't meet my standards. It's not a question of being "up myself" - it's a matter of sexual attraction: as every bloke knows, you're not going to get it up unless you've got the hots for someone :-)

.....which brings me to my main point, which is: Do you think there's a case for people "bowing out gracefully" from sites like this once they're reached a certain age? (i.e. getting out while they're "still on top" - if you'll excuse the expression - with dignity and self-image intact.) Do you think there's any merit to be had in plugging away gamely into your mid 50s, 60s and 70s.......or beyond?? If you do, then how do you perceive yourself? Do you still *genuinely* think you've "got what it takes", or are you at least realistic but expect people to respect you for being yourself? ......or do you simply become a "poor old bugger" sort of laughing-stock figure?

I realize us humans are all different, and our various attributes determine the reasons we are on this site and what we hope to get out of it. Some are lonely, some are horny, some need to express themselves in a variety of ways.......but if the time comes for you to pull the plug on sex and spend the remainder of your days in peaceful spiritual contemplation or artistic pursuits, at what stage would you be willing to "call it" ??


10:11 am Thursday, 27th June, 2013 Skebbie

Roslyn: Thanks for your comment, which was interesting because it revealed we had something in common. I also went through a long period with no sex (before I signed up as a "swinger"), but that was purely through resignation to "stick it out" for the sake of my family as a sexless married bloke. After that, I sort of reinvented myself and made up for a lot of lost time. I really can't complain because it's been a rich and rewarding decade or so, but I'm now at a point where I'm becoming increasingly aware that nothing can last forever, and that I ought to start planning for a gradual transition into a less sexually active period. It's something we all have to accept eventually.

Curvy: It's not my intention to discourage anyone. We all have our different ways of dealing with our sexual needs and the transitions of life we all have to go through. Personally I consider myself still "good to go", but it's important to consider yourself "as others see you" too.

I agree totally that where there's a will there's a way, but it takes two people to see that ;-)

11:22 am Thursday, 27th June, 2013 Skebbie

MsGeil: Yep we all age at different rates but in some ways it is more difficult on sites like this for "young for age" people to meet partners they'd be happy with, because people tend to look immediately at the age and draw their own conclusions. If you meet someone attractive in the real world, and then find out in due course that they're older than you thought, you feel it's not so important. I think that's the main problem here: people aren't prepared to take a chance on the basis of stats and pics alone.

Mini-skirts, heels and pee?? You might have stumbled on a new fetish there :-)

3:12 pm Thursday, 27th June, 2013 Skebbie

one thing that gives me hope for the future is that there are always going to be young people who prefer older men.

FA: Thanks for that. I suspect that might indeed be the case in your environment, and you have the advantage of being able to lean both ways (which I can't). I suppose it depends on what you mean by "younger" (those asterisks again.....). Indeed most of the people I've met on here *have* been younger, but in general I'd say it's a rule of thumb for me that under 30 is a waste of time.

I *did* meet a woman here in Japan who was 51, but she was exceptional, and as you know, orientals tend to stay better preserved.

The conundrum of ageing is indeed perplexing. At the moment, freedom and being my own man are paramount, and I'd never be prepared to sacrifice them for "regular comfort" with all its commitments. I suppose you could say I'm holding out until a time when my sexual urges are under sufficient control to allow me to back away and become a pure aesthete :-)

12:14 pm Thursday, 18th July, 2013 Skebbie

Kinky: Much obliged for taking this up again :-) I'm not trawling for compliments, you understand, and I know I'm still better preserved than most blokes my age, but the bottom line is what other people think. I salute you for being so open-minded about age, and I'm sure you'll be a fantastic cougar when the time comes :-) My only regret is that by that time I'll probably be gaga and drooling (lol).

1:24 am Thursday, 17th November, 2016 Skebbie

Interesting that you should choose to dig this one out again, Chrissy, as once again I've been contemplating leaving here, and also the other site I'm on. The zeitgeist that has seen the emergence of the likes of Trump, Putin and other "strong guys" has also been mirrored in what women are looking for on "sex sites" -- and it certainly isn't the likes of me 🙂  In the UK at least, claiming to be a "dom" (whatever that is) seems as essential for blokes here as it is for BBC newsreaders to wear poppies in November 🙂

I still have plenty of mileage left, and I do have a few very special FWBs in both UK and Japan, so I'm doing better than most. In fact since this blog got started more than three years ago, I have met several women in their late 20s, so it just goes to show that - at least for some women - what they see and get out of a guy goes way beyond his age. However, I still have to face the fact (as we all have to do ultimately) that there *will* come a time when I have to bow out gracefully.

I have an ancient male crony in UK and he's always suggested we should buy an old cottage in the Lake District and form a sort of hippie colony for like-minded seniors when the time comes. There's a lot to be said for that idea. However, I just can't see myself retiring to UK because I've grown to love such a lot about Japan. It's a treat just sitting in a cafe in Tokyo and watching all the elegant women walk past. Once I hit my 70s there'd be many worse ways of spending the time. Or maybe I should learn to be a "bakushi" (rope master): they seem to get lots of willing young volunteers 🙂  There's a British bloke under the pen-name "Sin" who's done just that.

I must say that moving to a warmer climate has its appeal, and that my savings would go a lot further in, say, Thailand than in Japan. But to my way of thinking at least, there's always been something seedy about Gary Glitter types in that kind of environment, and any attention they might get is based on economic need rather than for who they are. So no - that doesn't really appeal. Hawaii would be great, and I did love what I saw when I was there three years ago, but again it's rather pricy and I shan't be retiring on a UK GPs pension 🙂

I think what will eventually happen is that - although my need for sexual expression will continue - it will eventually fade to such a level that would not justify structuring my lifestyle to cater for it. Other things will gain greater priority: my love for the seasons, being able to live close to Nature but having the convenience and civilization of Tokyo nearby, the food, the amazing culture, the festivals, and the endless fascination of discovering new layers of the onion here. I guess I'm in too deep to change.

Blog Introduction


I'm 56 years old, living in the Bradford region.