Is it wrong to ask this?

3:37 am Monday, 18th October, 2021


I have wondered aloud about this ? But did not want offend anyone. We all have our opinion on the Covid Virus and whether someone had been vaccinated, refuses to be or in somes cases cant be. I was vaccinated because i am out a lot and did not want to.risk health. Is it rude for me to ask someone if they have been vaccinated or not to protect my health and that or my partners.
Dont want to.upset anyone but i felt being honest about is better. 


1:16 am Monday, 15th November, 2021 goldenea651

No it is not Rude to ask and if any one thinks it is then they should not be aloud to partisapate. You have a write to protect your self also You have a write to protect yourself also.

7:44 pm Monday, 16th May, 2022 tropicsun9

I don’t think it’s rude to ask anyone anything.. we are grown adults. Just a thought…. If you are vaccinated then aren’t you protected and why worry about someone who isn’t ? It is their choice just like it’s your choice if you do not feel comfortable. 

4:02 am Wednesday, 2nd November, 2022 Terry8484

Not rude whatsoever 👍 we all need to play safe and often of course 😜 

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