Draft Wednesday, September 29, 2021 9:54 AM

3:10 pm Wednesday, 29th September, 2021


I unfortunately, clearly got too excited, while putting my profile page together, so I apologize for that.
I'm sensitive, kind, thoughtful, considerate of others, can make anyone around me laugh, just by being me, and am sometimes generous to a fault.
I would literally do anything for the one I'm with, so I must initially guard my heart, so I am not taken advantage of.
I've wondered off and on , through the years, how a straight guy like myself, ends up extraordinarily attracted to girls with the same body parts as me.
The only answer I've been able to up with, is that I was just born this way, like the Lady Gaga song, which I love by way.
For me it's like having your parents take you out for ice cream for the first time.
Some people, for whatever reason, like chocolate, and others like vanilla better.
There really is no answer and I've come to accept that.
I'm not gay, and do not like guys, but for me personally, no straight girl could ever possibly affect me the way trans girls do.
I want the opportunity for love, just like everyone else.I want my special princess, to be both my best friend and my lover.
I want someone to laugh with, cry with during troubling times, grow with as people, nurture, help, protect, and be the one person on the planet, that can always be counted on, through thick and thin.
This is no game to me or a passing phase.
If given the opportunity, and I successfully find my love, I would not hesitate for a second to marry her, if she'll have me and when the time is right.
I would do practically anything under the sun to illicit a smile or just make my girl happy.
But, I am by no means a "yes" man or a people pleaser.
But, if I have to miss a ballgame, or something else I wanted or planned to do, to instead spend time with my lady, isn't even a choice at all for me.
That's what DVR'S are for, right?I'm spontaneous, inquisitive, and always curious about everything.
I'm a gentleman and a scholar, a great conversationalist, who also recognizes that there are times, that I should just shut up and listen, when my girl just wants to vent about anything at all.
I'm a very patient person, I barely have a temper to speak of, and am most definitely not a yeller.
No relationship is perfect, but if you are with me, you can expect that all I'll ever ask of you is the pleasure of your company, and the opportunity to get to know you, going forward.
My mind, body, heart, and soul is crying out to me, on a daily basis, to search for and find my special lady, that I want to be the last image I see before going to bed, and the first face I see in the morning.
I want someone to confide in, to share my innermost thoughts, feelings, fears, trials and tribulations.
I want to have fun and laugh and hang out.
I guarantee, that my special princess's friends, will all become my friends because that's just the way it has been for me as a person my entire life.
The reason why I'm single now, is simple. I literally spent the last 10 years as a 24/7 caregiver to both of my parents, after years of being estranged from them and living out of state in Maryland.
My mother was initially diagnosed with stage 3 brain cancer in 2010.
She fought very hard and complained very little through her frightening and painful ordeal.
She had 2 brain surgeries, 2 rounds of targeted laser therapy for her tumorous growth, and was regularly taking chemotherapy in pill form.
Whether it was doctor's visits, countless daily trips to Brigham and Women's Hospital, or physical therapy, it was always just her and I.
I never thought in my life, that a hospital of all places, would feel like a home away from home.
That's how often we went to Brigham's, and can honestly say, when some crazy person shot at staff there a few years ago, I was deeply troubled and saddened by it.
My sister did very little, and basically lived her life jumping from one bad relationship to the next, and my father, who was retired, was of no help at all.
He would try, but in the end did not have the patience or capacity to give my mother the constant care she most required.
His way of coping would be to leave the house for 5-6 hours at a time, doing whatever he did.
So, it was always my mother and I, it wasn't all bad times because we got to spend a lot of time together, but in the end it was a personal sacrifice on my part, that I have exactly zero regrets about.
My mom passed away, in our home in 2015, and from then on it was my father and me.
He had COPD, high blood pressure, a triple bypass, diabetes, bad feet that I had to take care of daily, and bad hips.
I took care of him, just like I did my mother, because it wasn't long after she passed away, that his health and mobility started to fail him.
Breakfast, lunch, and dinner, were all prepared by me.
I also had the additional task of managing his medications And blood sugar, giving him his insulin shots as needed.
We ate dinner together every night and talked and watched countless hours of movies and tv shows together.
I taught myself how to cook and bake, shortly after my mom passed away, in order to make good food for the both of us, but also to still make holidays and everyday special, because my father loved to eat.
I literally cannot wait to be able to do the same for my princess and her friends/family.
My father literally died in my arms during the beginning of the COVID Crisis, and it crushed me, weeks shy of his 82nd birthday.
I really thought we would have more time together.
My mother went from being able to walk around with the use of a cane, to being wheelchair bound very quickly.
I'm not going to discuss what else I did for her, but you can imagine what it takes to clean and clothe, and most importantly, make my mother as comfortable as humanly possible.
It wasn't easy, but I never lost hope that she would make a recovery, or that I would at least have her longer than we did.
I need to make clear, that as hard as all of this was on me, I never did and don't regret a second of it.
My singular focus was to keep my parents, healthy, comfortable, and as happy as possible, even through the most difficult of times.
I am here to find love, and a partner for life.
I have zero time for any more regrets in my life or lost opportunities at this point.
I don't play games or manipulate people's emotions.
I'm far from perfect, because no one is, but I strive every day to be the person that i, and the lady I hope to soon be with, want and deserve.
There are so many things that I've missed out on, like going to amusement parks, going to an aquarium or zoo, visit museums, because I am interested in a variety of subjects, including history.
I want to know what it's like to go out on a picnic, or stroll down the street with my lady's hand intertwined in mine.
I don't want to have sex or make love with the one I hope to be with, what I want is for our bodies to melt into each other and become one.
I'm also by no means too clingy or needy, I have a variety of outside interests, and have no problem keeping myself occupied.
I want to learn and teach new things about this life and world.
I want a life partner and an equal.
I want someone to share my love of art, history, music, movies, tv shows, pop culture, and everything in between.
Being with me, means never having to ask me how I'm doing or feeling.
Simply, because you will know just by looking into my eyes, or at the very least, if something is bothering me or wrong, I would already have told my lady before she has a chance to ask.
I need someone to kiss and cuddle with.

Blog Introduction
