When the angels speak through me it

5:16 am Tuesday, 14th September, 2021


Hey so this is probably the coolest website like this I've seen in a while. It actually has usable free area content I don't know if I will actually get to meet any of these people.. I really hope so. Anywho, I figured I would write a blog post real fast and share about what I'm looking for and how we can best connect. 

I'm a business owner, content writer, and blogger already. I promote things in the financial, business, crypto, and investing areas mostly. I'm just looking for someone that I can share some good times with, can't stand all this negativity in the world anymore. It's too much for me. 

I need someone that isn't afraid to be themselves but understands what respect for themselves and the people they are with is. It's one thing to not care what others think about you, it's entirely different to do things you know others do not agree with on whatever level, and blatantly and disrespectfully bringing that in front of them anyways. There is a middle ground, you can not care what people think, but ALSO respect their choices to think that way, and not purposely antagonize them. Having respect for others is having respect for yourself. So to purposely disrespect others is to also purposely disrespect yourself, and I do not care for those with no self-respect, it is sickening to me. 

I don't NEED anyone in my life, I am more than capable of handling things on my own. However, I WANT someone in my life. I expect that who I am with is the same. It is about building each other up and not about using them or tearing them down. There is never a need for that in life. We should never hurt others in such a way but it is common practice in society these days it seems. That is also sickening to me. I can't stand fake, I need real. Fake does nothing but cause trust issues and destroys good people for the sake of playing an ignorant game. If you can't make it being you, you should figure out what it is you're doing wrong, and work on fixing that first. 

I'm a very unique individual. And I love and accept every one of Gods creations for what it is, or rather, for what he shows me of it. I do not see people for their race, gender, status, opinions, color, orientation, whatever it is that people generalize or stereotype others as. I view each person as their own unique individual, with their own knowledge given to them by their interpretation of what is. I view the world in facts and truth. Beauty is not a reflection of the skin you wear upon your muscular and skeletal structure. How you actually look is fully 100% manipulated by the energy within you. You don't see many beautiful people with evil intentions running through their veins. You see beautiful people doing beautiful things in this world. Or at least that is how it was meant to be. 

I would really like to just have someone that shared my values and my viewpoint on life. We are here to love each other. That is our sole mission on this planet..... and we have strayed so far from the mission it's not even funny. The United States has 10 empty homes for every homeless person in the world. People kill other people for senseless reasons. War, famine, poverty.. It can all be fixed. So easily too. All we need to do is love. Love each other, love ourselves, and quit with the selfishness and the greed and the lies. If you are not a religious person, and I by no means am a religious person, you can STILL find that this is truth. If you ARE a religious person, this aligns directly with the teachings of the bible or of whatever book your religion teaches through. 

Please, if you read this, think on it deeply. It is important. If you want to speak with me

Blog Introduction


Business owner, entreprenuer, cryptocurrency enthusiast. Just lookin for a hot ass milf that wants to soak my lap