The first building block of Trust

5:27 pm Tuesday, 7th September, 2021


I've was asked what some of the important things of the kink are the other day and the first one that popped up into my head was "love".

Now I'm not talking about romantic love in this case but instead something more platonic. The love we have for each human beings success, after all everybody loves a winner.

More specifically I talk about the desire to make one's sub/dom happy in that moment. The desire for them to grow into who you and they want to be. The honest connection that you pay attention to.

Example, a partner of mine loved having clamps put on but I never would have noticed that she enjoyed it more having them tugged individually instead of together by the chain. I found out because I was paying attention to her twitches, her voice and her face. It was because I cared about and loved her enough to feel what she wanted was important. It wasn't just about me.

As a dom it is important to remember that she is giving you the keys and the driver seat but, she is also the one telling you where to take her. How you get there is the fun scenic naughty drive with a few stops along the way to try new things and push some limits. The end destination though is always hers. Never forget we mold them like clay into the creation they want to be.

That is my philosophy on the matter anyway. Could be wrong, after all I'm only human like everyone else and capable of mistakes. All I can do is learn from them and for that we need some platonic love to tell each other we messed up. Only way to learn is to know.

Communicate with each other honestly. That is the second block but I don't have my thoughts in order there yet so this is all for now

May your God's bless.

Blog Introduction


Looking to get back in the game after many years. Have some things that need worked out. Looking for someone to lend a hand or other options to work it out on