A philosophical ditty

3:26 am Thursday, 26th August, 2021


Must confess
This game engages less.
But sorting wheat from chaff
Can sometimes raise a laff.
Probing deep
Can often leave one losing sleep
About why a girl you thought was true
In fact cared not a jot for you.
Chemistry, it's said
Is often sparked within the head.
Sex is not just based on looks
It's what keeps all of us on tenterhooks.
Online it's oft a game of bluff
But those who fake are rumbled soon enough.
So why on earth do we persist
With concepts vague and hidden in the mist?
Antennae tuned, we scour the net
For signals we generally don't get.
Although we know there is a land
Where thoughts can hit the right waveband
Suspicion tends to stay our hand.

But nonetheless we fix our gaze
On phantoms flitting through the haze,
One of which might be a bet
Except it doesn't know it yet :-)
Choosing wisely often leads
To pleasures than transcend your needs.
So play your keyboard and compete
My gauntlet lies between your feet.

Blog Introduction


Zen and the art of eroticism..