Real Women and transgender womenmen

1:10 pm Sunday, 22nd August, 2021


This is a sore subject for most people, are real women against transgenders because some look better than the ones born female?. Women have been wearing men's clothes for decades and no one bats an eyelid. Ok, most men have bad taste in clothes, that is why their wives /girlfriends shop for them. To me, we are in the 21st century and have lost the forward gear and are stuck in reverse and going backwards very fast on this subject, what has happened to live and let live?. It does not matter if you want to go from man to woman or woman to man, is nanny going to rule what we do and say?. I just want to say and hope some agree with me. But you never read about Real men moaning about women wanting to be men? or is that a subject to ignore for some folk?. Women should be proud that a man wants to join their sex, As for me, I don't care what people think of me nor should you, be happy as the person you want to be, LIFE IS TO SHORT TO WORRY ABOUT WHAT ANYONE THINKS OF US BECAUSE WE ARE DIFFERENT. Sorry if this post makes no sense whatsoever. End of rant, thanks for reading if you did so, stay safe/beautiful and above all keep on smiling!!.

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