Letters I've written never meaning to send

10:15 pm Sunday, 21st April, 2013


Just a thought on all the fan mail I receive - I assume it's fan mail because I'm generally positive, I have good friends, get on with people and don't look too bad (a bit negative but its with awareness that I don't look as good as I did ten years ago... but more distinguished, like Sam Beckett). So, no good reason for 'hate' (a general term that could mean anything from relatively mild irritation to disguest at my sexual preferences - hetro open to bi). But not having read the many messages I have to guess. Of course they could be spams... why would a 24 year old beauty message an old fart like me? You have to wonder... not that I am curious enough to join the Previer, VIP, or any other status designed to get my cash in exchange for a 'promise'... see a cynic might think this is a manipulative attempt to wind in those driven by sex urges... but I know there are better ways of making money and I shouldn't be so cynical!

Blog Introduction


male looking for discreet adventure